When we met he implied that he was loyal to his football team and that Sundays were for football but also church, which we don’t even attend anymore. Unfortunately, I didn’t realize what that meant as I wasn’t raised in a sports centered household. He’s currently at the bar to watch a game instead of at baseball practice. Our kids are elementary aged. My perspective is; these days are numbered. I have shared this perspective and what he has shown me is that a football game is more important to him. I can’t help but feel angry about it and it’s getting to be a grudge I can’t shake.

  1. Aside from the football, is he usually good about sharing the work of parenting? Are you upset about him missing out on baseball practice, or that you have to take the kids to everything yourself? Is he with friends at the bar or by himself? Parenting is hard work and both parents deserve some time “off” to do whatever fills their cup – and for him, that just happens to be concentrated in one season. If he’s still carrying his share of the load and spending quality time with the kids during the week, you need to make peace with it. If he’s not, you need to address the actual problems and let him decide how to solve them.

  2. He is going to keep running over your boundaries as long as you let him. Set some. You can spend money on things; you can get alone time. He needs to stop ignoring one of his children. This is not a big ask!

  3. He told you how he was when you first met and you’re surprised he’s like that? Sure. The days are numbered but that doesn’t mean a parent casts everything aside during those days.

  4. Football is his church. I wish I had some advice but I don’t understand the insane depth of obsession that people have about watching other men play a kids game. It’s their god.

  5. He told you up front.

    You still married him?!?

    This is all on you.

    He is EXACTLY as he portrayed himself to you in the beginning of the relationship. Sad maybe, but he told you.

    You need to let it go and get on with your life.

  6. Did you not date 1st?

    My wife knows Sunday are about football. She knew this when we first started seeing each other. She knew this before we got married. It has never been an issue in some 24 years since we met.

  7. Who has baseball practice on Sundays? I have never heard of that in my 45 years on this planet. You need to be talking to these coaches. Sundays are for football and church if you’re a churchy person, otherwise football.

    Are you really here complaining about 1 out of the 7 days of the week he spends doing something he enjoys? And not even for the entire year, football season does not span all 12 months. Especially because he told you up front? Wow, that’s some nerve.

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