we text all the time and she seems into me , we have a coffee date booked tomororw.

after a few back and forths this morning i just text look forward to seeing you tomorrow! hopefully i dont seem needy or too eager but i was honest

  1. You’ve got this!! I would appreciate the text you sent. Don’t overthink it. If ever you want to talk, I’m always here!

  2. You’re overthinking it, this is perfect to text cause it shows you actually care.

  3. Not honest since you’re questioning yourself, but hopefully she doesn’t notice

  4. Looks good dude, stage 1 date

    Under 10 bucks. And day before confirmation.

    Show up, enjoy the date, if you invited her pay.

    If she tries to pay, she is invested, but still pay if you invited

  5. This is the reality of dating now. OP is right to overthink this, because that’s how it works now. One tiny, innocent slip up, and it’s all over lmao

  6. Overthinking it. She’ll appreciate a text like that. I went on a date with a girl recently and she sent me a text saying she was really excited for our date, which was pretty nice to hear.

  7. If you’re excited to see them, it doesn’t hurt to hit em with the “Can’t wait to see you today!! 😊” Sounds way better than only just confirming logistics

  8. If she likes you, she loved the text. If she was already iffy, then maybe not. Point is, you didn’t do anything wrong.

  9. It’s a lovely message. Let’s her know your ready for the date and if I got that (31f) it would settle my own nerves!

    I hate how you feel you need to ask, but I totally understand why. Good luck on your date!!!!! Remember YOU are a catch, chin up!

  10. Lol wow your really overthinking this. It’s a normal nice message to send before a date.

  11. Not bad. Wish you’d be more unique for the date idea instead of coffee. Take her to play pool and place bets on who wins. If she doesn’t know how to play, teach her. It would be romantic. If you don’t know how to play, pretend that you do and purposely let her win.

    Boom. That’s a great date idea. I feel like alot of guys have no imagination nowadays. You go get coffee with you mother, not a date. This date is also about you and having fun. Coffee is boring and leave too much room for awkward silences. Playing something competitive is better.

  12. It’s a good message. I always send that before a date, just to make sure that she’s having it in her mind and that I’m not too cold. Because I’m usually very “let’s meet at 6pm in the coffee shop” type of texter. Like no bs just that. But then I send that message before we meet up

  13. Damn what’s wrong with our state of dating 🙁
    Of course it’s not wrong or needy. Your excited 😊

  14. I like people who act like they give a damn about being around me. That would make me smile to read.

  15. Yes! I literally just realized it this week (probably learned this lesson 8x before and forgot 8x thanks ADHD). I’ve been texting a very nice woman I matched with on bumble. So far we have talked about our families, religion, hobbies… and both expressed that we are enjoying talking with each other. Called on the phone to make a plan to meet in person! It should feel pretty easy.

    If you are being your authentic self and excited to meet her, if she is excited to meet you she will be excited to get a nice message like that! It also confirms that you are still interested. If you haven’t actually met yet I think it’s very telling if people are noncommittal even in a text.

  16. I understand the anxiety, my dude. Nothing wrong with it as others have said. Being honest with yourself and others is a good thing.

    Hope ya have a good time.

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