First time posting on here. I (M22) met this girl (F22) at a wedding for a mutual friend of ours. She was there alone and I was a groomsmen. She recognized me from school and we hung out all night. It turned into a very close platonic friendship. As is the case with most people I developed feelings. After spending a night cuddling at her place, things got worse, I fell hard for her. She continued hoeing around and seemingly sleeping with anyone that wanted to, except for me. I was and still am nothing more than a friend to her. All my friends tell me to block her, delete her contact and what not, but I just can’t. She lives rent free in my head. I told her I wanted space and she gave me it but it’s even harder now. Any advice on what to do to get over this?

TL;DR: Met an awesome girl, fell for her with unreciprocated feelings and can’t figure out how to get over her

  1. If someone is treating you badly, and your interactions are making you miserable, and you continue to be seriously pulled towards them, it’s time to see a therapist. From a place of kindness, you need to figure out why your emotions are drawing you towards something that could only make you miserable. Figuring this level of problem out is over reddit’s pay grade.

    It’s really good you recognize what’s going on. The comment “she lives rent free in my head” is very insightful. But if, after a while, you can’t evict her, see a professional and do a little deeper dive.

    I wish you the very best

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