Men of Reddit, what do you do when interested in a woman?

  1. i say hi, how’s it going? if she responds positively, we chat. if not, i walk away and forget about it.

    i’ve made a lot of women friends that way.

  2. Look at her a few times. Go back to what I’m doing. Look at her again “aw shit she made eye contact, look away look away”. Never look again. Leave the bar.

  3. Have a wank and see if I have the same feelings afterwards for a start. Then I remind myself I have no social skills and don’t go out so that will never happen anyway

  4. Distract myself with something else, apply cold water or light slaps to my face, absent myself from her presence or at least turn away until I can face her as just another person, imagine her projectile vomiting – the usual.

  5. Act like I am not interested until I don’t feel it anymore, I just don’t think it’s worth the trouble and who would like me either way?

    But maybe you can try talking to her

  6. I don’t do anything. I am aware I’m not the most attractive or charismatic person and I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable by approaching them. So I do nothing and wait for the feelings to pass. It’s worked for all of my crushes.

  7. This will be boring but… if I do decide to initiate something I try to find a way to have a real conversation with her to find out who she is and what her personality and sense of humour are like. Initial attraction aside, I need to know if you’re someone I want to spend time with outside the physical. Hook up culture isn’t my thing.

  8. Life a whole life with her in my head for about 30 seconds then shake out of it and go about my day

  9. When I first messaged my gf, I asked her for advice on something that I thought really suited her. “You have such pretty hair, any advice on keeping it curly?” For example – this way she could accept the compliment and not have to think about what else to say, as I’ve already set up her response. If you like someone, make it as easy as possible 🙂

  10. Usually keep them to myself because I have no idea how to tell a woman I like them and even when I do it’s never ended good for me

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