When was a time you felt truly beautiful?

  1. I feel beautiful pretty often. Got ready this morning to go to campus and, it’s the best I’ve looked in awhile

  2. I don’t think I’ve ever felt truly beautiful. On the inside sure, but not on the outside. Societal standards of women are so high, and I’ve always subconsciously compared myself to them in the worst ways.

  3. My the day my SO proposed, my wedding day, our honeymoon, the day I gave birth, the day after I gave birth. Those are the big ones and I have the pics to prove it to myself heh

  4. My wedding day. Not easy at 7 months pregnant and certainly not how I thought I’d feel. But it was a beautiful day and I felt gorgeous

  5. Im not going to lie, I now feel pretty often. Im told Im beautiful often too and I do have that “pretty privilege” that is often talked about online

    But when I read this question I could just think of that one time, when I was 13 (I was kind of awkward at that age, with braces, glasses, acne, unruly hair..) and one of my childhood friends saw me running towards her while playing sports and told me I had looked really beautiful with the sun shinning in my face.

    No one had called me beautiful before then. Maybe cute, maybe family members? but not beautiful

    Again, at that time, I didn’t feel great about myself and for her to tell me that so openly… it made my day and even if it’s a small thing and she probably wont remember, I still do

  6. When my ex came home to me after his first deployment and he had a red rose for me right as soon as he got off the boat.

  7. When I was feeling really ugly, bloated and in pain with endometriosis and was basically hiding in the bathroom, couldn’t stand the though of BF looking at me. I came out and he said how great I looked. It dawned on me then that he wasn’t seeing the negatives I saw.

  8. I was 9 months pregnant and tried on a dress I bought for a date night because it had just came in the mail. I walked into the living room and my husband was sitting at the table. He looked up at me and I watched his eyes get big as he immediately got up from what he was doing and came over and just started kissing me and telling me how hot I looked. He couldn’t keep his hands off my the whole night. He kept giving me so many compliments and just wanted to be next to me the whole time. We’ve been together 10 years this year and he’s always been super in love with me and tells me he loves me everyday, but I guess it was just because I felt so uncomfortable and huge being 9 months pregnant that it really made me feel beautiful.

  9. So there’s a thing Indian older ladies do , where they take off you “nazar”. You know the concept of an evil eye. Idk whenever that happens I felt weirdly very beautiful.

    Like you think I look so pretty that people will wish ill on me. (especially when my grandmother/ boyfriend does the whole kaala tika thing I internally die)

  10. i was pretty all the time, but the time that made me feel to damn beautiful was when i went to a party and everybody was calling me gorgeous !

  11. The long está time I’ve felt beautiful in sequence days, was when I was pregnant. My skin, hair and nails were gorgeous. I wore shorts to work! I wanted everybody to see my beautiful skin!

    But since my two kids are now in their early twenties, i truly feel beautiful when I’ve blown my hair straight. I love my curly hair, but my face looks better when my hair is straight. I also feel like my clothes and accessories go up, they look expensive, lol.

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