I seem to get “okay” at something and then get the urge to try something new. I am good at a lot of things, but not amazing any anything specific. I don’t get bored, but I feel like I’m addicted to the “new” thing feeling then it peters out. What’s wrong with me?

  1. ADHD

    Probably fairly mild, but this is the evolutionary advantage for it. You collect lots of minor skills that you’re not an expert at, but that you know how to do and you can quickly change to a different profession if circumstances change.

  2. Sounds to me like the very common phenomenon with people chasing the high of discovering something new. You can see it in a lot of things, news, series, movies (my guess why they are pumping out popular franchise movies every year these days), porn, even in dating (because it is more exciting to get to know someone new rather than trying to synchronize two known personalities to find a stable life routine that works for both)

  3. Nothing. The reason it’s very difficult ot became amazing at any game is the hours you have to put in.

  4. You’ve already described it: You get your dopamine hit from the “new and shiny” feeling. There are people like this with relationships as well, who enjoy chasing/being chased, but not the *actual* relationship. Dog caught the car, now what?

  5. Ever take a personality test? I did years ago, and it finally made sense of weird behavior patterns I had seen in my life. I’m scatterbrained as well. INTP was my personality. It was like somebody had literally read my mind yet never even met me.

  6. You like the dopamine rewards of brief periods of intense focus to be good at something without having much experience in it, but aren’t as interested in the delayed gratification of doing something for years and seeing that level of progress/accomplishment.

    It’s a common symptom of living in a world with so much temptation for instant, shallow gratification. I do the same thing, with the exception of occupational learning and a couple obsessions.

  7. Nothing is wrong with you. You are perfectly OK.

    Some people like to specialise and others like you want to have a broad set of skills and/or interests.

  8. You’re a jack of all trades and that’s a priceless skill to have because there is no shortage of ways for you to make money.

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