There are tons of guides out there on how to read signs and tell if someone is interested in you, many of which I read, but most of them seem to be complete BS. Some of the common signs you’re suppsoed to look out for, at least based on what I’ve read, include the following:

– If she actually engages in coversation and doesn’t just give one word answers, and asks questions back

– Open body language towards you

– Initiates conversations with you

– Willingly spends time with you and will make an effort to do so

There are obviously many other signs, but you get the idea. The thing is, I’ve known multiple girls who have shown literally all of those signs and more, and still ended up having no interest in me (romantically or even just platonically).

One girl I knew in particular sticks out in my memory; she had asked me to go do stuff with her on multiple occasions, like get lunch, go to a fair, etc. and I thought it all went relatively well. But it turned out she’d been telling a mutual friend how awful the experience was, and how awkward I am. And yet despite feeling this way, she continued to ask me to hang out with her. It’s not like she was getting free food or anything like that out of it either, cause she always paid for her own stuff.

Another girl I knew gave all the signs that she was interested, but when I asked her out, she rejected me. Then she admitted that she thought she might’ve been sending mixed signals and leading me on.

I’m really tired of trying to analyze every little signal to figure out if a girl is into me, only to end up being wrong and making things awkward between us. If y’all know of any surefire (or at least fairly accurate) ways of knowing if a girl is interested, please share. I’m really tired of ruining friendships and embarassing myself by assuming interest when there isn’t any.

  1. The eyes…..
    And if she blushes.
    Make steady eye contact when you speak.

    If she likes you… you’ll see it.

  2. my dude, the only surefire ways to be sure are to act. if you say “I’d love to go on a date with you sometime” and hear her say “I’d love that too – how about Saturday?” then your chances are good. if you angle to kiss her and she angles to make it easier then your chances are good, although I would probably start with the date invitation rather than the kiss.

    if you obsessively monitor how many times she’s looking to the left when she blinks, or how frequently she scratches her elbow, or whatever, you end up in these bizarre situations where you’re convinced you’re being led on by women who are just demonstrating basic friendliness.

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