What was the post that made you stop using reddit for a while?

  1. Ask a Rapist thread

    The number of people on this site who sympathize more with rapists than their victims is staggering

  2. Some of the subs are so racist I quit, and only came back when I worked out how to block them.

  3. I was attacked by several other Redditors for saying there should be zero tolerance on pedophilia, apparently there are people out there who believe it’s ok to be a pedophile “as long as they don’t act on it.” It made me so sick that these pedophile sympathizers were here I took some time away from Reddit.

    Some things truly need to be zero tolerance and hurting children is one of them.

  4. Every once in a while I’ll see something so out of touch with reality that has thousands of comments/likes agreeing with them and I’ll turn into a “get off my lawn” style grumpy old man and leave reddit for a while. Not a specific post, just general wildly illogical statements that far too many (in my opinion) people agree with.

  5. A post on AHS about how the terms “gr—mer” and “pre—itor” should be ban-worthy because they are disrespectful to the MAP (pederast) community. This site is riddled with *and modded by* disgusting, unapologetic pederast scum, who are very prominent on AHS as well and have been known to brigade “hate” subreddits with *child porn* in order to get them banned.

    Got back on after a couple months, said the P word, and got my 8 year old 100k+ comment karma account permabanned for hate speech.

  6. Any post that asks for life general advice, but all the comments are just people saying “go to therapy”. Not the most creative place to find advice.

  7. The cum box post. If your curious a YouTuber named whang made a video on it called “the Reddit cum box – tales from the internet”

  8. Anyone that repeats questions that’s been asked over and over.

    I mean what’s the point, karma?

    I’ve seen accounts with negative karma (and ones with 1 – 5) points able to make comments and make posts. So by this point karma is useless.

    If that’s not the reason then it just says to me that the person is incredibly lazy. Even if you don’t use the find feature in Reddit you could use Google (or any web browser) to either get your answer or to see how many times it’s been asked in Reddit.

  9. There was some post about fucking a pigeon and throwing it out the window that made me hurl and I couldn’t open Reddit for a while

  10. I had tried to make a post as a teen. I used to read Reddit comics. Back story I was homeschooled and isolated my entire life up until grade 9 and then I was still isolated. So as you imagine it was my only get away from my home life and the only place I felt I had freedom. I had just downloaded so I can attempt to make comics and talk to people. I wasn’t ready for the trolls and the negative feedback at me just trying to figure out the site. I learned that I can’t make comics like o thought it was about. I realized it was a much different app then I thought it was. I was bombarded with people telling me to unalive myself because I wasted their time while learning the app. I deleted it within an hour and 15 years later I finally downloaded it again

  11. Its not necessarily a post, but I’v learned to stay away from posts where a black person is seen doing something wrong. Its like a lightbulb that brings in all the racist cockroaches, calling us animals, thugs, n-word, etc

    I actually considered deleting reddit awhile ago because of it, but I just ignore it now.

  12. Probably for me its when hypocrisy is highlighted and seeing comments or replies to my stuff that show a highly dangerous lack of critical thinking. Or really sickening levels of virtue signalling that any normal person would find very overwhelming.

  13. Wasn’t a post but the subreddit I was using got banned so I deleted the app for a week or two until I started to get mentioned a lot

  14. There was a post a while back where this husband was asking how to convince his wife to go back to work after they had a newborn.

    Dude was working 2 jobs and doing the majority of the housework trying to make his wife’s life easier. Meanwhile they simply couldn’t afford to live without her salary.

    Reddit made him out to be the reincarnation of Hitler for even daring to ask his wife to go back to work so they could pay their bills. Claiming he should just suck it up and real because ‘his wife is bonding with the baby’

  15. This post. Literally.

    I looked at this post thinking “Oh this will have some good gossip on it to kill a few minutes”…. Find pedo sympathy.

    Done with this place.

  16. Used to post in aita. Made a comment and people went apeshit on me.turns out some people are batshit crazy.

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