How did you become friends with the person you most recently became friends with?

  1. He was friends with one of my other friends and he took me and some others to an abandoned place. We’ve been really close since then

  2. A game called phasmophobia. You can learn a lot about people when you hunt fictional ghosts with them.

  3. Music festival, i met like 20 new people through mutual friends and a good 6-10 have fully joined the circle

  4. While I’m struggling to think of who specifically would be the most recent, by and large the answer is: through other longtime friends at social events.

  5. I was drinking, he was drinking, we got to talking. He offered me nasi left overs at his place, I offered him a place at my dnd table. We’re still good friends 4 years later. Through him I met my entire current friendgroup.

  6. Just started with small talk in the office or neighborhood. Eventually it turns into, “This person is a friend of mine”.

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