What’s your dream career and how long has it been your dream?

  1. It was a firefighter but because of reasons that isn’t an option for me. So for now just trying to find something else .

  2. Stock trading as a career is my dream. Been wanting it for a couple years now, still just learning how to light my money on fire.

  3. My dream career as a kid was to become a singer as an adult. It was no longer my dream career around the time that I turned age 30.

  4. Ever since high school I’ve wanted to be a movie critic. But people don’t really care about my opinions, so I never tried

  5. I’ve never had a “dream career” but I’m pretty sure it would be miles from where I am.

  6. Something in radio. I fell in love with it in high school. I interviewed a radio host and he said how he gets to hear new music before anyone else as well as meet musicians and go to music festivals. He got to meet Eddie Van Halen!

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