Met someone online and we’ve been exclusive for around 3 months. We did anal for the first time on Friday and my cock went in without lube because I didn’t want to go upstairs and get anal lube (I use Lube Life from Amazon) Anyway, she moaned a little but other than that my cock when in with ease. She’s done anal in the past but the last time was around 4 years ago. My question is… Why did my cock go in pretty much easy with her and she hardly flinched? Before you say my cock is small, I’m 8 inches

  1. It takes practice but sometimes you’re just good at relaxing your butthole. Or maybe you’re just small and it wasn’t that hard to get it in 🤷‍♀️. Either way who cares?

  2. Being aroused and her natural lube in your penis may be enough for someone that enjoys it!

    Next time, get the lube…

    Have fun!

  3. i think some people are just inherently more receptive to it? neither husband nor i ever had to do any sort of prep or training, we had a similar experience to that. so i’m going with ‘sometimes that’s just how it works.’

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