27F, I just don’t get why I’ve never had luck with dating. I’ve only used dating apps and while they have a bad rep I know they work for a lot of people too. I’ve been told im cute but when I say I never get approached by guys in person im not kidding. Everyone I knew back in HS and college talked about getting approached by guys. I’ve never had a LTR only dated someone for a few months back in my early twenties. Dating apps I use very casually and have kind of lost interest. The same way all the other women I know had dating happen so naturally for them I feel it should be the same for me which is why I refuse to approach guys moving fwd (with apps that’d be me messaging first). I used to message first here and there but stopped. I get matches on the apps and getting dates aren’t the issue, it’s more along the lines of not attracting the guy I’d like or there’s lack of connection/things fizzle out/guys only want a hook up. I’m telling you I know I’m cursed, being single doesn’t bother me much anymore I think it’s more feeling frustrated that no quality guy I’d like has ever pursued me & knowing all women have gotten more attention than me. I’m very reserved I know for a fact I don’t come across as desperate

  1. I get attracted to women who are positive, lively, have a sense of humor, friendly, welcoming, fun, adventuresome, and joyful. Plus if they show a visible interest in me will

    I would recommend to go live your life. Enjoy activities that have you interact/be with others, e.g. Meetups, clubs, sports, volunteer work, hobbies, classes, adult ed., etc.

  2. Maybe try to show some interest, say something or try to initiate in some way.
    They don’t know you are interested and I don’t know what “quality” means to you but it sounds like you are holding out for specific things and as someone that gets ignored a lot I just get tired of the rejection so showing interest might not hurt on your end.
    I also get not wanting just hookups and stuff but I still get ignored with online dating even with the ones that claim they are also interested in the same so that hasn’t helped either

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