what’s a bad decision you made while drinking or drunk?

  1. Not walking away from an argument with someone in our group who was aiming to ruin the evening from the outset.

    There’s someone like this in most groups of friends, and he recently decided that if he was pissed off then **everyone** had to be pissed off. What was a fun night playing cards in the pub getting drunk almost turned into a brawl. It’s happened a dozen times before with him.

    From now on if he’s coming to the pub several of the gang have said they just won’t turn up. Plenty of other places to go, and avoid the aggro.

  2. After one too many watching NBA playoffs at a sports bar, on my drive home I wondered how fast my new BMW was.

    I got pulled over for doing 160mph which was definitely one of the worst decisions of my life.

    Fortunately no one was hurt, but I still paid a significant price for my idiocy.

  3. One night stands, only had two in my life but they were hugely disappointing. I’ve found I like to have an emotional connection with people I sleep with.

  4. I was winning big in poker. I was too drunk but couldn’t stop playing, because winning. I cleaned one of the guys playing, he was a marine, and he wanted to bet his car in the next hand, he had two friends with him that told him to bet the car. I was drunk, so against a better judgement, I accepted. He lost and I’ve should have seen the fight coming. They even robbed me after the beating. I was lucky nothing serious happened to me. I learned not to mix alcohol and gambling, and never to play with Marines, they all are sore losers.

    It would take me more stupid decisions to learn not to gamble, but I did it.

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