Men who squeeze their s/o’s belly/belly fat,why?

  1. Love it! Theres just something about being able to love every part of you that Makes me feel incredible!

  2. I do it for two reasons. I do it because I tend to squeeze and caress every other part of her and I refuse to leave anything out. And also because her stomach is the thing she is most self-conscious about and so I make sure to give it a bit of extra love to try and help that.

  3. Lol, it’s a cute little squishy paunch and we love it. We aren’t bullying or teasing. We just find it cute and attractive. I see the light paunch and think “ADORABLE”!!!

  4. Reminds them that it’s there. Especially if I can leave an imprint of my thumb in it. Hopefully she’ll catch the hint and do something about it.

  5. Female here lurking. I’m a curvy girl and always felt self conscious about my tummy rolls. These replies make my heart happy 😊

  6. To see if you’re fat enough to eat yet.

    *Throws more wood under the comically massive caldron*

    But no, it’s cause ur cute and it jiggles. I like fat bitches.

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