I dont know it feels like I put an invisible veil between me and the world and it definetly has started to affect me. I mean my personality. When you would meet me you wouldn’t guess I’m super lonely. I think on all social anxiety type like subreddits there is clear lack of underpresentation for the “Not typical loner”-type. I’m tall, funny and charismatic (not bragging, adjectives people gave me I’m just trying to build an archetype for the “Not typical” Type, so maybe this description even sounds like you!) I don’t have any problem to connect innetiale with a person but people loose kind of quickly a deeper interested in me past “he is funny”. It happens, just not as much. So I feel like that the whole funny charismatic stick is the only thing going for me and I’m super scared of losing that “spark” or vibe and then I won’t have anything!

It may sound weird but I think I lost my touch the world and more importantly to me. It is easier for me to imagine that we are alle part of a greater narrative and when you put meaning behind everything it means that everything matters which can be really dangerous towards your own wellbeing.

Thanks for reading.

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