We’re CanAm, and have lived in Northern Europe since 2016, and honestly never once had a bad encounter.

Had one recently, sadly, an ‘exchange’ from an expensive advisor, one that you feel it’s safest to pay (a lot!) to help navigate the many residency, housing, tax, etc unfamiliar laws.

First, they sent the wrong form, and then despite 3 requests to speak to a human for advice, never returned our call.

We put everything in an email with two simple questions (I’d rather not specify for privacy reasons).

Today, they finally got back and said, *Nope, can’t help you, you’ll need to speak to someone altogether different, a different company all together, one with specific expertise.*

Any advice? What happens in a similar situation where you live?

1 comment
  1. Usually they will apologize, and then try to get you out of their system, to avoid having the screw-up hang around too long. If it’s something practical, like an architect or engineer, they will often correct it, no questions asked, and they would likely cover damages (or perhaps they have an insurance which covers,) granted you can prove that their screw-up was the cause of the damages, but I can’t speak for advisors, since I’ve never been rich enough, or know anyone rich enough, to pay for advisors. Most of us either go to the our Unions or, should our unions not be able to handle it, to the municipality, or, perhaps, to a “*pro-bono*” legal advisor.

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