I am M23. I am in a situation where I live with a 58 year-old women for free, but in return, I fulfill all her sexual pleasures. I love thsi life but people are telling me it is wrong. Someone please tell me if it is wrong or not.

  1. Depends. If you have no problem with that woman then it-s fine. If you no longer want to live with her, get a job and anorther room. You are an adult, you can make your own deciscions, opinions of others should not affect you if you love what you are doing

  2. It’s not wrong at all. You’re old enough to make that decision on your own. It may fall outside what’s considered “normal”, but “normal” is boring.

    You’ll know when the time is right to move on or find someone you can relate to on all levels and possibly start a family with. Until that time, you do your thing and keep taming that cougar!

  3. That is an awesome arrangement for both of you, provided that you enjoy the sex as much as she does.

  4. If an older guy were having a younger woman live for free for sex, people would be pissed.

    Anyway, you do you.

    Is it wrong? IDK, sounds like a sugar momma situation. Do what you feel is best for you.

  5. If you’re fine being a sex worker as this is just a form of prostitution. She’s basically paying your rent in exchange for sex.

    Do you want an actual relationship with this person?

  6. If she were a man and you were a woman, ppl probably wouldn’t think much of it, right? Sugar daddy and all… it’s really just because you’re not fitting into what ppl consider “normal”, which does by no means make it wrong. She doesn’t keep you emprisoned, you both are adult and free to leave. Exactly what should be wrong about that?

  7. Often this dynamic leads to abuse, either physical, sexual, or financial. If that’s not the case and you’re happy, you do you.

  8. If you’re happy and she’s happy with the arrangement fuck what anyone thinks your both adults

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