We have been on maybe 7 dates now and I think there’s definitely chemistry and we always end the date in the car making out and she does let me remove her top. I am seeing her again tonight and I do want to ask her to go to a hotel with me but not sure how to initiate the conversation.

Would it be cringy if after dinner we are strolling and if we pass by a hotel I ask her if she wants to get a room? Or maybe if we go back to my car while making out ask her “let’s get a room”? I mean there’s only so much we can do in the car without getting in trouble if caught.

  1. Book a room and let her know that you have one. She can choose whether to go or not.
    “I’ve got a room booked at X hotel for tonight, it’s entirely up to you but you’d be welcome to join me”.

  2. I’m sure I can speak for everyone here that will see this.

    I’d much rather have a hotel room than a car.

    After dinner you should easily be able to gauge how she’s feeling.

    You’ve been on 7 dates and been hands on… “”At the end of dinner I would be comfortable enough to hit her with the … “Let’s get a room””

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