Surely we’ve all done it; Stumbled upon a topic of discussion, wrote out a paragraph or two about your opinions, only to discard the whole thing and move on. Why didn’t you finish posting it?

  1. Sometimes I think of something, but realize I really don’t have the time or effort to get into it, so I just move on.

  2. Because the person was a troll just looking to argue with people and didn’t actually want any information that might show the actual truth. I just decided that it’s not worth it. I had all of the information there for him but just knew he’d say something else stupid which I’d feel compelled to reply to… so I deleted it.

  3. Couldn’t get it to a length I wanted

    Like many neckbeards on reddit, I’m more than happy to spend the next hour typing up a rambling response which makes me feel like a valued member of society.

    In reality, ain’t nobody got time for that shit.

  4. Because I am compulsive in how much I write sometimes and I imagine someone is reading it and thinking…. “man just stfu, you babbling, verbose mess ” and I’m like yeah. Stfu they’re right.

  5. Same reason I deleted my Twitter account: the realization that very few do or should give a F(^&* what I think-about anything.

  6. I smashed my dick in kitchen drawer. Thought it was funny until I touched it. Thank God for foreskin.

    I thought it was funny, but deleted it.

  7. I try to keep several things in mind when responding:

    One, am I adding to the conversation or do I have a question that is relevant to the discussion? If I can’t say yes to either of those, I try not to respond.

    Two, is it a simple answer that doesn’t require a lot of thought and seems to be harmless. Sometimes people are just looking for simple answers to simple questions. Depending on my expertise or experience, I will (or will NOT) reply. Again I default to my first reason.

    Third, at times when I am reviewing my answer, if I determine the OP is a troll; I have a strict “don’t feed the troll approach” in life.

  8. I’m making an effort to not argue with strangers on the internet lol and usually when I get into a lengthy reply, it’s going to start an argument. I calmly delete it and move on to other posts.

  9. I was going to ask a question about whether or not my wife was too controlling, but when she read over it she did not approve and made me delete it.

  10. Sometimes you catch yourself realizing it’s not worth it, othertimes about half way through you realize you’re the “bUt AkTuAlLy” guy so you just keep it pushing.

  11. Sometimes the thread is locked by the moderators by the time I’m done writing my essay.

    Sometimes I feel that what I said might be a bit too devilish (and would probably get me banned).

    I just don’t bother with between 10-33% of my comments. I have one open right now on another tab that I’m probably just going to throw out.

  12. Its not so much delete as never post. I usually stick by all the garbage I put out there.

    Its more, I’m offering something that isn’t wanted. Advice, ideas, commentary. Even though I’m excited about writing it and putting it out there…I worry it will simply be buried, ignored or forgotten.

    Even now, I contemplate the need for this post to pass before anyone’s eyes…

  13. I get half way done and then go “who the fuck even cares? ” and discard it. Either that or “this opinion is too controversial and I don’t have the emotional bandwidth for strangers to bombard me with their disagreements”

  14. Because I realize it probably won’t even be read; and if it is, it’s probably not interesting or original enough to make it worth their time.

  15. Honestly, I just started to realize that it’s not worth the effort. I love being funny and writing up a shit storm and things i feel passionate towards, but I have better things to do with my time.

  16. Because apart from voicing my thoughts it wasn’t going to add anything substantial to the discussion

  17. Didn’t feel like getting screeched at by liberals/conservatives because I had a slightly different opinion.

    I find myself doing that alot.

  18. I have strong opinions and an off putting sense of humor. I was making a point in one forum with an example from another. I’m new here so I didn’t know if I was being funny, on-point or had gone too far and was being mean.

    I was flamed once in ‘Am I The Asshole’ for calling someone an ass, not for the specific instance of the post (which she wasn’t) but for being in the situation that lead to her post.

    I’m new here (12 days), didn’t understand Karma. The flame put me negative Karma points which lead to posts in this thread to be rejected.

    I guess the term ‘gun shy’ applies.

  19. Because I can’t be bothered to get into it. I’m not going to start arguing with strangers on social media. No one’s going to change their mind and it’s a waste of time and energy, I really can’t be bothered

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