This dude (25m) i (22f) was interested in started texting me maybe once a day after a period of talking but i didn’t stress over it and chalked it up to him being busy. I’d just respond to him whenever i could which is anywhere from 15 mins to 10 hours depending on how busy i am that day. But then i realized the texts got shorter and he took even longer to respond longest being 4 days. It was *very* hard to come to terms with it as i really felt a connection but i eventually decided there was nothing i could do to change the fact that he wasn’t interested in me as much as i was in him so i just seized contact as it wasn’t going anywhere anyways.

Now like the flip of a switch he double texts, initiates conversation and won’t leave me alone. Aren’t you a bit late as i was interested a while back when you were barely replying? Why all this extra effort to talk to me again? Even though I know this whole thing isn’t going to work out and I’m set in my decision to move on his sudden change in behaviour is conflicting me. Why would he do that now that i went silent? Why won’t he let me move on in peace at the very least?

  1. Easy…

    Because at the time when you and he were originally talking, he was talking to/seeing someone else.

    That didn’t work out

    So, now it’s back to you instead.

    You moved on already. That’s a him problem, not a you problem

  2. I think he just wants to feel wanted to boost his ego like ‘agirl is chasing after me im fucking attractive ‘ but then you stopped so now he’s bothering you

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