I used to be relatively social when I was younger and had a few close friends. When I moved to a new school, it was so hard for me to make new friends bc I had to start all over by myself. I became so self conscious and never really texted or got that close to anyone. I moved again and things got a little better but I still feel like I put this distance bc I don’t know what to do. Whenever I try to text people I never know how to start a conversation or how to end it. I have friends that I talk to at school but when it comes to keeping up with them outside of school I just tense up and barely text them. I try to make efforts to reach out but I don’t know how to stop caring about what others think of me. I wish I could make plans or just be more social but I think I get this fear that they won’t be interested or that they’ll think I’m socially awkward.

1 comment
  1. Get out your head and be yourself , some people won’t like you and that’s fine but there will be others who like your true yourself. Try joining clubs like a sport or something you enjoyed where there’s a shared interest like a knitting class or cooking class or something you could talk about for hours then the focus will be on a hobby vs getting to know someone

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