a crush , a coworker , an ex , a long distance partner

  1. Just a judgement of whether it fit what I require. I’ve had sex with several who hyped themselves up to be “freaks”, but they just didn’t live up to the hype. Perhaps it was miscommunication as to what a “freak” was, since so many seem to think it’s just someone who likes to fuck. Perhaps unfair expectations considering the area that I live in, since most consider anal sex to be freaky shit and, to me, it’s barely beyond being vanilla as fuck.

    Sex with people, that I’d wanted to have sex with awhile, has historically ran about 50/50 as to whether I found it enjoyable enough to bother doing it more than once. My wife and my partner were an extreme exception in this area, that’s one reason we’ve been together 27 years. Of course, neither is from here (like myself), which could have something to do with it. The ones I’ve had sex with, that are actually from here, have been pretty boring other than a couple of others.

    In the moments after sex with someone knew, it’s always been a very analytical thought process, weighing all things that happened in that one instance. A couple were fun, just not something I wanted a steady diet of. There’s always a lot to consider.

  2. How long is a while here and are we Counting predating only or including dating as well or only including dating

  3. Most of my sexual experiences were brief and/or started very quickly. I don’t think I’ve ever had sex with someone that I was “pining” for. My attention span is just too short.

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