I have a few guy friends that I’m close with and I’ve kissed a few guys but I can only really flirt with guys if I know they’re 100% into me, I’m so bad at knowing what to say and I think it just holds me back from doing what I wanna do, is there anything I can do to build my confidence up talking to guys without just having a guy as a fwb?

  1. Hahaha we both are at same stage with opposite gender ! So now my status is I don’t have any friend who is girl and my most of the time of the day is acquired by work or day to day errands ! No friends and no chat with anyone.

  2. Start by making friends. Just that mindset shift will help you to stop putting pressure on yourself.

  3. We get comfortable at something by doing it, so it’s more about finding a way to do that without going too far out of your comfort zone. Baby steps are helpful.

    Just talk to a guy about something random in a non stressful situation. Sometimes asking something about them is helpful because people often like talking about themselves. It takes pressure off yourself to carry the conversation. It gets more comfortable the more you do it.

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