Recently just got sexual , it was his first time seeing me fully naked and now when I think back I should have sat straighter or suck in my tummy more . I’m a big size girl and always been , and it really is bothering me now , I keep replaying what I should have done and felt so ashamed. He’s a great guy , he follows a lot of pretty girls tho and has an ex with great” techniques “. So does he like me or is he just horny.

  1. Guys don’t always like rail skinny chicks. Some like girls with some meat on their bones. Every guy has a line as far as what they see as sexy- and weight is a part of that. Just like I’ve always seen a guy with a girl a tad heavier than their normal but the personality was there.

    The truth is- he likes you. And you being honest with him, was probably a good thing. Not just for being authentic, but it gives him the full idea now.

    If he leaves you over weight or whatever- it’s his loss. There will be others. But, be it weight, personality, etc- ir has to do with a connection. Sometimes you’ll have it, sometimes you won’t. You can’t control others and how they think or feel. That is the hard part about relationships. Sometimes what you want to work, doesn’t. And that is ok. 😊

  2. Really hard to tell, when you are not that deep in a relationship.

    I once heard a phrase that stuck with me: “Men will tell you everything to get you in bed. If he tells me he loves me after we had sex, then I know he is genuine.”

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