I was thinking about the movie Wolf with Jack Nickelson from the mid 90s. I was in my mid-20s when it came out. In the movie Jack is kind of passive and gets pushed around a lot. Then werewolf bite and he starts being more aggressive and stand up to the people pushing him around.

Now I never peed on anyone’s shoes (purposely anyway) but I changed the way I acted based around this movie. If someone stole credit for something I did at work I spoke up now. If I had an work idea I’d pitch it instead of just sitting on it forever. I changed when dealing with my neighbors too.

Does anyone have this kind of experience? I’m curious.

  1. stephen king’s IT.

    i never went near a storm drain ever again O.O


    seriously though, probably Wall Street.

    i grew up never, ever wanting to become that type of person, or be around those types of people.

    and it worked out well.


    >If someone stole credit for something I did at work I spoke up now

    be very careful with that. i’ve seen people get banged up for doing that, they can get labeled “not a team player”, and that can be a big problem.

    just try to remember that these days, very few people spend their careers working for the same company. wise people promote themselves elsewhere–they don’t hang around waiting for employers to keep their pie-crust promises.

    so “credit” isn’t necessarily a huge deal. if you can put it on your resume, you’re good. future employers will see that and take note. nobody is going to call and say “hmm, was this program REALLY joe’s idea, or is he stealing someone’s credit?”. these days, they mostly just verify employment dates.

  2. Spent a good chunk of my late teens watching south park and it definitely shaped my way of viewing the world. Made me realize how ridiculous extremes are regardless of the side you’re taking. Also made me comfortable with viewing humor in pretty much every situation. Still enjoy the show a lot.

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