I will start off by saying that I am quite reserved, only thing now is that I have gotten better at talking to people. Multiple times have I thought I was on good terms with someone, only for them to start avoiding me or say something behind my back because they “finally don’t have to deal with me anymore.”

I have yet to give someone genuine reason to do either of these things. I really just want to understand why people are nice to me up close, but then tell someone else how they actually feel about me, or make me invisible rather than just being straight with me.

Two people who play horror games on roblox, I talk with one of the two people about the game for a while, I ask if I could join him, he says sure and once I ask for his username, he gives me a fake username, rather than being honest and just saying no.

1 comment
  1. Congrats on making some improvements in talking to people! That’s a good start, and you can only get better from here. The reason people are ghosting/avoiding you could be if you’re lacking social energy. Even if you’re getting better conversationally, you may not yet have enough confidence to have this Great Vibe that people want to be with.

    Start with a smile, then add some WARMTH and ENTHUSIASM. People want to be around other people who aren’t afraid to show some excitement for life. Have some passion for: yourself, the other person, LIFE ITSELF.

    Good luck!

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