Hey Men, how honest are you with your partner? Do you have any secrets? Why / Why not?

  1. 100% completely honest. The only things she doesn’t know about me, are things I don’t remember any more.

    Why, because I trust my wife completely. Also, without trust, my marriage wouldn’t have been around for 25 years so far!

  2. I don’t have a partner right now but usually I’m as honest as I need to be

    Maybe I do think her friend is objectively attractive, doesn’t mean I have to say it. Maybe her BJ is not the best I’ve ever received, doesn’t mean I have to say it like that

    But whenever I can, I am honest

  3. I can’t be 100 % honest, because I know some things might hurt her. And it’s not about cheating or stuff like this; we aint perfect and thats ok

  4. I’m 100% honest with my wife. After over 30 years I don’t have anything to hide and she does not either. If you keep secrets or lie to your partner your relationship will fail.

  5. No secrets at all.

    My wife even has her fingerprint in my phone.

    (And yes, I know her pin as well).

    Whatever she will ask me, I will answer the truth.

  6. Completely. Married 27 years. No secrets. If she asks me something, she gets an honest response. She knows me well enough, so there really isn’t much need to ask.

  7. For me, honesty and openness are very important in a relationship. But I can hide some little things from the girl I love just to avoid upsetting her. She is very emotional.

  8. We were friends before we got together and we were really close so I’ve always been open and honest with her about everything. (The only thing I ever kept from her was that I had a little crush on her mom).

  9. Some personal things I’d really rather not speak of to anyone ever, but I’ll always answer 100% honestly if she asks a question.

  10. Aside from separate bank accounts and social media accounts, there’s not that much that we keep from each other. I’m sure there’s some that hasn’t come up in conversation, but no real secrets as such.

    The why is easy: Why would you? If it’s that big of a deal that you feel obligated to hide it, it’s probably big enough to be a big part of you. So are you just going to pretend all your life to the person you live with? Or if it’s not that big of a deal, why the lies to begin with?

  11. Mostly honest. Women are not good about handling hard truths though. There are things I won’t be honest about just to keep the peace.

  12. I hate keeping secrets, and I’m quite the devil. This rules out a grand majority of the population for compatibility. Only shameful pushovers and snakes will hide who they really are in order to be loved and accepted. A man should be loved for who they really are. It’s the only kind of love that means something.

  13. I only have secrets because if I told her them she would panicked or get angry. I said a girl has a pretty smile at work and she was sad but that made her smile a bit, my gf would have dumped me so fast but I was just being kind and didn’t want her crying while I’m working with her. Another secret is that I nearly got killed at work 3 times and if I ever told her this, I don’t even want to know what would happen. So I keep secrets when they are needed and those are the only ones I keep so I’m ok with that.
    Since day 1 i told her everything, even the time I peed myself at school and climbed the fence to get home and change come back during lunch. Or when I accidentally walked outside naked trying to make it to work.

  14. Completely and utterly honest. There are things in my past that are very sensitive and secret for me, and my wife is the only person who knows all those things. It took time and trust to get there, but I don’t see any relationship endgame other than being fully open with each other.

  15. I am 100% honest, nothing is a secret, or withheld, and it has always been my policy, hence I had an early career in a field where the truth was the only thing that had any value. And yes, there are, or were, at least a handful of very substantial companies around, where THIS was the rule.
    My ex-wife didn’t share the same standard in communication, or living for that matter, in fact, in the last decade leading up to the time when we finally called it quits, I had problems recalling a single truth ever uttered from her. I could watch her park her car, exit the car, and walk to the kitchen door in the house, and she would have a completely different recollection what happened on the way from the car to the kitchen door; getting an imaginary phone call, losing her wallet, dropping her keys. Nothing was real, but it took way too long to work this out, I am way to trusting…

  16. There are a few things I would never tell my girlfriend because they might just cause suffering for her even though it has nothing to do with her at worst and wouldn’t improve anything at best. These things I won’t lay upon anyone, it does not help to share them, I worked through them and I am glad it is all in the past, no need to reheat that.

  17. i have no secrets with my wife. the only things that she doesn’t know about me is those that she didn’t ask.

  18. I’m really not all that honest with her or with my previous romantic partners. I like boning, so when my girlfriend(s) is on her period or sick, I either go to nightclubs, or I hire prostitutes, or I visit brothels.

    If I was to be honest and tell my girlfriend what I’m up to when she’s puking her stomach out during her terrible period week, I would be pretty much dumped, and getting a new girlfriend and seeing if we are compatible would be too much of a hassle to bother, when I can just pretend to not do what I do, ehh?

  19. 100% and she knows it. If she wants to know something, all she has to do is ask. But there is a catch, she might not like the answer.

  20. I like to be 100%. in my last relationship i started out being 100% honest. Not saying I wasn’t honest or lied either. I just didnt share much or lied about irrelevant questions were only asked to trigger a fight. Whenever i did lie, it were white lies, to avoid more fights since we were already having multiple Of those a day.

  21. Fully honest. That doesn’t mean I blurt out every thought I have and sometimes if there’s something I don’t want to talk about, I’ll say I don’t want to at this time but we can at another time. She respects that, which is important for me.

  22. There’s a few things that I’d rather not tell anyone. Sometimes it’s hard not talking about it, but overall it’s better that way.

  23. I keep little secrets but nothing that could destroy our relationship. I do value alone time and do have my guilty pleasures but would never keep something impactful for our relationship a secret.

  24. Of course I keep secrets. Just because someone is close to you doesn’t mean they need to know everything. Some things are best kept secret.

  25. Yes I have secrets, because unless she’s my wife, she can still testify against me. 🤣☝️

  26. We met when we were 16/17.I’m 37 now.

    I’ve literally known her for more than half my life; and since I was 19 I reckon the amount of time we’ve spent apart in 18 years could be counted in days if we were to tally it all up.

    My wife knows me better than any person alive; I couldn’t lie to her even if I tried.

  27. Anytime i was 100% honest always ended up in a fight.

    so, as honest as i could be without getting into a fight. “happy wife happy life”

    not even an infidelity thing, just simple things like- it makes me anxious when i have to go to all these birthday parties, dinner dates, quinceaneras, weddings, baby showers, your brothers wife’s- twice removed cousins wedding.

    I work all day, then work my second job all night, and then we have to attend these social gatherings, but even then, i cant even drink without you getting upset?

    thats why shes my ex wife. even after 2 kids.

    also fuck you froy. (yes thats her new dude’s name)

  28. The only secret I keep from my wife is her birthday surprises lol. Everything else gets talked about very openly.

  29. I never lie to her, thats just more things to remember. You don’t have to explain things you don’t say though.

  30. The best part about being completely honest at all times is that you never have to remember any lies. Plus, any and every situation that I have dealt with has been made easier with her knowing all the facts and reasoning.

  31. Blatantly honest. If I feel the need to have a secret then I am not with the right partner. This includes the arguments I see or hear about requiring “privacy” in relation to phones and the partner needing a serious amount of “alone” time.

  32. Being married has made me the biggest liar in the world. Tell the truth. Keep your wife happy. Pick one

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