I don’t know what to do. He works 12 hour days so I totally understand that he can’t have major conversations in text, but he never volunteers any information, or asks interesting/fun questions. Every other day it’s ‘I hope you have a good day’ or ‘how’s your day going.’ I’ll ask him questions about his life and after a lull in the conversation in which he only ever glosses over what’s happened, he immediately pivots to vanilla ‘what are your plans for today’ crap. I’ve asked him numerous times about his hobbies but because he works so much, he seems to not have any time for hobbies. So I’m like… uh, how do I build a relationship/connection with someone like this?!

So yes, he’s thinking of me. Yes, he’s at least making an effort to text, but I want to PUKE with incredible volume because of this horrific small talk. When we go on dates, it’s a good time. But I’m really struggling to build a connection with this guy and to feel excited about an upcoming date. Any advice other than to politely tell him I’d rather get a root canal than to hear ‘how is your day’ one more time?

  1. Just dont text with him much, if you see him you/he can ask in person.
    In my opinion its a good thing for the connection to dont text much.

  2. If texting is that important to you, there are plenty of IA online that you can text with. It basically works 24/7 and Never run out of things to say

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