Well this sucks but I’ve known for a long time now what we originally were, we have sex but no feelings, next thing we knew we were going out on dates and saying sweet things to each other.

Been putting it in together for almost 3 years and now we have kids. I want to sleep with other people, people I knew, people I wanna get to know.

We had a threesome last night 2 guys, 1 girl and even after that I just saw an opportunity for he to be able to love someone else and move on from me. The other guy seems nice, treated me with respect as well as my partner.

I can ask her if she just wants to see where things lead with this guy…
I could just tell her how I’ve been feeling and risk her flying completely off the handle…

I don’t know what to do, I don’t want to just be in it for the kids cause anyone that’s had to watch that knows how shitty it is to do someone.

1 comment
  1. There is nothing healthy about being in a relationship with kids and having no love between the parents. A house without love is a house without life.

    While it sucks to split up a home, it’s better to be completely honest with your feelings. Go your own way but for God’s sake, keep the kids #1 in your thoughts always, above hooking up with new people, above fights, above everything. Been calm, civil, and caring always, but don’t lie to yourself and your partner. Honesty wins out always.

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