So i´m wondering what the difference is between country. In Iceland in my experiance before you hit 30 you should have a stable job, have a at least a bachelors, own a property and most people have at least 1-2 kids.

Where are you from and what is your situation ?

  1. I think most people expect 30 year-olds to either have a stable job, or be studying either their Candidate or doing the research for a Ph.D. Property ownership isn’t expected, neither are kids; the average age of women when they have their first child is just shy of 30, and for men it is older.

    Traditionally, you’re also expected to marry, with unmarried men turning 30 being named “pepper-men,” and having, usually phallic, figures build with oil barrels, erected outside their homes. The tradition dates back to the late middle ages, but the phallic figures are a recent addition; a spin-off of the older tradition of gifting a pepper-mill. Another recent spin-off is the drowning of unmarried 25-year-olds in cinnamon, but this tradition is only ~50 years old, and far from universal.

  2. Have a degree or apprenticeship and a stable job. Maybe a stable relationship, but kids not really yet (in the next few years though). Property isn’t an expectation at all at that age I’d say.

  3. I don’t think anything is expected. With the current housing crisis nobody can expected to own a property. My parents want me to study and got an opportunity to get decent job. But it’s my life, I don’t think many people live here to fulfill the expectations of other people.

  4. A job, not necessarily stable if freelancing. Not necessarily owning a home. It’s more and more common to live at home with parents.

  5. 35 years of work experience.

    Seriously though in yerms of let’s say family I think we’re pretty loose. “Do it when it feels right” seems like the most common attitude.

    By this time most expect you to have a somewhat steady job or studying for a career at least.

  6. I don’t think there are too many expectations in Germany.

    A stable job is probably the only expectation your family and society has.

    Everything else? Not so much. Germans usually or most often marry in their late 30s/early 40s and lot of couples don’t want to have kids or have kids whenever it fits them best. Especially in families where both people have an academic background and a career becoming first time parents in your late 30s isn’t uncommon.

    Many couple never marry, so there’s no big expectations around that anymore.

    Owning property… not really. Our housing market is fucked and everybody who’s not upper middle class or upper class knows that, so there are little expectations around owning anything or making big investments. Aka: if you don’t come from big money nobody expects you to buy your first own house or whatever.

  7. Having a Stable Job, owning house and having a wife and kids are the usual expections for 30 year old in Finland, so pretty similar to iceland.

  8. Have a stable job, preferably finish higher or specialist education so you don’t earn peanuts, and if the family is of a more conservative kind they will also push you about marriage if you haven’t done so already. That’s basically it these days.

  9. You should have some education (other than university is also fine, but bachelor only is kinda frowned upon as unfinished education, you should either get a Masters or applied/vocational degree) and a job in the respective field.

    But most people don’t have kids by 30 in the educated circles. Even the average age for a first kid for a woman is 28.6 and guys are on average like two years older than the girls (and keep in mind that average includes the accidental babies as a teenager and what not, while having your first baby in your late 40s is not as prevalent). I’d be interested in the median age at the birth of a first kid over both sexes, but this is not in the public database – I did ask the national statistics, though, so hopefully will update!

  10. There are not really many expectations in Ireland.

    It would generally be expected by 30 that you have a stable job. A university degree has become pretty much expected now also. That’s not necessarily a good thing however, as there are people going to college who are not suited to it and would be better off pursuing a trade or the like.

    The housing and rental market here is a disaster. Last month there were only ~700 properties available for rent in the entire country on the most popular rental listing website. The French embassy actually warned French students considering studying in Ireland to reconsider due to the strong possibility of not being able to find accomodation. The price of housing is also completely unaffordable for most people. For this reason very little people under 30 own a property and most still live at home with their parents.

    The average age of marriage in Ireland is 35. The average age of first time mothers is 32.

  11. Nothing is expected of you, really. Even moving out of your parents house is only expected after 30. Some older relatives would expect you to have a boy/girlfriend (not necessarily married) and your parents would want you to have a bachelor degree and have a job, but not a stable one per se, just to make your own pocket money.

  12. In Norway average age for first time buyers is 28. Women get their first child at 30 and men 32.

    I don’t think we expect more than having a job at 30. If you haven’t bought an apartment yet then you’re probably fairly close to buying.

  13. 1. A stable job.
    2. Owning a property, house or flat, doesn’t matter. Just as long as you don’t pay rent.
    3. Having a car.
    4. A serious relationship/marriage.

    With Serbian salaries it’s extremely difficult so more and more people are just staying with their parents, driving a family car etc. For instance, if you’re below 25 and get a job, they’ll straight refuse to pay you more than like 400-500$ a month (for most jobs, excluding trades).Rent is 400$ at least and that’s for a BAD apartment these days (I’m talking about Belgrade).

    I don’t see the situation improving, people are complaining how they can’t find anyone to work yet offer a monthly salary that covers roughly 90% of the rent. But rent is not the only expense in life…

    Cars are prestigious and you’re basically seen as worthless if you don’t have your own after 27-28. Though it’s not that difficult to find a somewhat decent car or at least it wasn’t before covid.

    edit: it should be noted however that the majority of the population just inherit homes from their parents as flats were handed out like candy a few decades ago

  14. Immigrant who grew up here.

    A “respectable” job, a “respectable” degree, a house, a car, “respectable” wife, 2+ kids.

    Anything less is abject failure and shameful display.

    Respectable = something to brag about.

  15. Have a job if you are single.

    If you have partner : Get married.

    If you are married : Have kids.

    If you have kids : Have your own house.

    House and kids can be switched, since many people prefer their own house before kids.

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