So I was born with a facial cleft which left the right side of my face disfigured, Growing up I was always insecure (and still am) and even tho I have went to therapists, CBT etc it never helped because I would still always see my face in the mirror.

I never had a social life and even now I dont, my social life is work/study and the reason why is because if I want a woman then someone like me is going to need lots of money. My brother would go out on the weekends and talk about the women hes been with, I dont have many friends but all of them have GFs/been with women and I basically work 7 days a week (Uni 3 days a week and then full time work for the 4 days)

Im also a very visual person and Even tho I have a facial disfigurment but looks are important to me, I do try my hardest to look good (i.e I work out alot, I make sure to dress well, good hygine etc) and Im also tall but I dont have any luck with women. On dating apps I get zero likes or matches.

Thats why im very motivated on my career because once I have money then I can just buy myself a woman. I remember watching a Documentry on columbian mail order brides and alot of them were beautiful and family orientated.

It doesnt really bother me if a woman is using me for my money, A woman is never going to be physically attracted to me anyway and I also want my own kids. If money gets me a wife and kids then thats fine.

  1. I’m sorry you are not getting enough luck. But the mentality of buying a wife and being okay to be used for your money is not too great. Maybe try working on having more respect towards women. Then try changing your dating app pictures. Talk to girls first before showing your face… You need to enchant someone with your personality…

  2. Is it possible to do surgery to repair the cleft? I think the cleft is bothering you and making you feel insecure, of course dating apps not going to help because people on the app care about looks since they know nothing about you . I think the key is think of ways that you can do to enhance your confidence in yourself.

    It’s great that you care about your career and wanting to be successful, but you have to do that for yourself. I see why you think that money can buy love, but is it worth it at the end? Knowing that you eventually find someone but they don’t even love you for who you are. I think you should take it one step at a time. Ask yourself what you can do to improve your life, what you can do to have more confidence and happy with yourself and everything else will follow. I’m saying from my personal experience and I hope it helps

  3. My dude, there are many women (myself included) who give 0 fucks about their partners’ looks.

    I briefly dated a disabled guy with some degree of facial disfigurement. He was a talented musician, really passionate about his art and he just seemed very friendly and social. I had a massive crush on him and genuinely never paid any attention to his looks.
    After a couple of months of casual dating I discovered that he had been using me to make someone else jealous and THAT was the deal breaker for me.

    What I’m trying to say is, the way you treat women and the confidence you have can be incredibly hot and you don’t need to be conventionally good looking to be attractive. I promise.

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