Just wanting some opinions as my mum has gone a bit mental saying I’m wasting money.

We have a funeral next week for my great auntie. The funeral is 5 hours away so we are getting a hotel the night before, closest hotel only has 1 room available (twin) but it’s cheap, however there is a hotel 30 miles further that’s more expensive but has two rooms available.

I want to book in the more expensive hotel to get a room each, but mum insists we book the twin room and rough it for the night, saving money.

I could do with saving the money, but finding it very weird sharing a room with my mum, even if it is for the night.

Just interested in other peoples thoughts, I’m I being weird or would others rather book a separate room.

I’m male, 30+, mum is 60+.

  1. Not weird, just don’t tell your friends, because I guarantee that *they will make it weird*. That’s more or less their only job.

  2. The big question is why, you came out the woman’s vagina, what is there left to mention

  3. Normal, it’s fine. It’s just one night. Millions of people have done it and you won’t be the last! The only people who find it weird are weirdos

  4. Nah, a twin room isn’t too bad.. especially considering the occassion, time, extra money and further location.

    As a female, I wouldn’t think it weird to share a twin room with my dad under such circumstances.

    You can come to “privacy” arrangements.. there will be a bathroom to change in.

    If your mum is happy with it, I say save your money. But if you’re not comfortablewith it, it won’t matter what anyone says; you’re not comfortable so book elsewhere.

  5. If you were on about sharing with your mum like for a holiday, then I’d say, yeah, proper weird.

    But since this would be for one night, and it’s not exactly a jolly, it seems fairly pragmatic. You obviously still don’t need to tell everyone…

  6. Sharing a room isn’t too bad, probably wouldn’t share a bed with my old dear if I’m honest

  7. It’s not particularly weird – like, all things being equal I wouldn’t – but booking 30 miles away and spending money you don’t have is insane for one night.

    Personally, though, I just absolutely hate sharing with anybody apart from my spouse. I wouldn’t want to share with my best friend, my brother, or anybody but sometimes needs must!

  8. I don’t think it is weird at all to share a hotel room with your mum. But I also think it’s not weird to have boundaries about personal space or feel uncomfortable doing something even if it’s something normal that most people would be fine with. So if it’s really making you uncomfortable then don’t do it. But I would if it was me.

  9. I think it’s weird that you think it’s weird. It’s one night and you’ll be in separate beds. It’s actually a cool opportunity to hang out and watch TV for the evening together or something. Also 30 miles is a pretty long way.

  10. I’d rather have my own room as well but if it’s going to save a decent bit of money I’d manage it for one night.

  11. This is so normal it’s *literally why twin rooms exist*, to share with people you’re related to/don’t want to share a bed with.

    However you don’t have to share with anyone you don’t want to share with. You don’t need a good enough reason.

    You should probably foot the bill though instead of asking someone else to spend more money to make you comfortable.

  12. I think by asking if it’s weird that makes it weird. Had you not asked and just went for it I think it would have been okay

  13. I’ve done it. I might not depending on circumstances – do I want to be able to go out for a few pints once she’s gone to bed – or finances (if the rooms are cheap, get one each). But it’s not weird.

  14. My sister doesn’t like it because my mum snores.

    But it’s certainly not weird. I know loads of people who do it, as it can half the price of a trip.

  15. Have you been watching too many step family videos?

    Why would spending one night in a twin room with your mum be weird?

    Would it also be weird if it was father-son? Or mother -daughter?

  16. It’s not even remotely weird. I don’t even think I’d find it peculiar if you shared a bed (not a single—that would be weird).

  17. She’s your mum. You were grown and birthed from her body. She fed and washed and clothed you growing up. The question you should be asking yourself if why do *you* have an issue with sharing a room with her? It is a societal hangup? Caring too much what other people would think? If so, then you should know that other people making judgements about a man sharing a room with his own mother for a night speaks volumes about them and their character. Such people aren’t worth giving the time of day.

  18. It’s kind of weird that you think this is weird at 30 years old ngl. What are u? 13 going on 30?

  19. Its the thought of it that perhaps feels weird, the reality of it won’t be anything like weird, you’ll be tired after a long drive and meeting up with family plus the whole funeral.

    You’ll most likely drop in to bed and be flat out asleep with it all, especially if there is any kind of alcohol involved.

    Save some money, book the room and you can come back and yell at me if I’m wrong.

    Sorry for the loss of your Great Aunt, hope the funeral goes well.

  20. I’d have reservations about it tbh.

    I know it’s not weird, but it *feels* weird. I don’t think I’d want to share a room with a parent overnight.

    I know it’s different beds etc, but as a family we’re probably more reserved than others. It’s little things – we don’t wear pajamas or night clothing around each other, we don’t make fart-jokes (or fart), we just tend to keep things at a polite remove.

    Sharing a room just feels a little too intimate. After childhood, our familial intimacy extends to a brief hug. I remember being slightly taken aback when my sister kissed my cheek at my wedding.

    *As I’m typing this I realise my family is probably viewed as very odd and probably also very cold and unemotional. We’re not, we just have different barriers than most*

  21. Nothing weird about it imo, me and my mum went on numerous city breaks when I was in my twenties and shared a twin room. I’m now 30 and still wouldn’t have any kind of problem doing so.

  22. I holiday with my Mum a fair amount . We always share . I never considered it weird, until now that is .

  23. You are way over thinking it…

    Its more time with your mum. Most 30 year olds are quietly missing theirs and wishing they had the time you are spending with yours.

  24. You’re 30+ years old. You shouldn’t be living your life based on what other people might think anymore.

    It’s only one night and you admit you need to save money 🤷‍♂️

  25. Wow, if it’s weird to share a twin room with your mother what is left of humanity really? It’d be weird to make a fuss about it. It’s your mother.

  26. I shared a room with my mum recently while my son and wife had a room to themselves. It wasn’t awkward at all: he’s 3, I’m 30, but it’s all [the same] to me.

    My mother fell asleep almost instantly anyway.

    [edit: my God I must have been drunk when I wrote that. *It’s all no different to me* indeed]

  27. You’re a big 30+ year old man and you’re worried about it being weird because you’re sharing a room with your mum ? Like I could understand if you was a young man but dude … that’s your mom man, it shouldn’t even enter the equation that it would feel weird in any circumstances

  28. It’s fine. You’re sharing a room, not a bed. And who’s business is it if you are sharing a room. I’m almost 40F and wouldn’t think twice about sharing a twin room with my dad (60s)

  29. I’m sure most people would say it’s not weird. But you don’t have to be most people.

    Everyone’s relationship with their family is different. Saving money is great and if you only don’t want to share because you think other people will think it’s weird, then you might as well share.

    If there’s a particular reason you think it’s weird though – like boundaries you’ve put in place which are important to you or to protect yourself in some way, then it might be worth spending the money.

    For me, I’d likely struggle sharing my space in that situation – especially if I was likely to be upset or feel a bit uneasy after the funeral.

    Take care – and sorry for your loss.

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