I broke up with my ex about 3-4 months ago. There wasn’t necessarily anything wrong in our relationship, but I had difficulty talking about my issues (not just with her, with anyone in general) and I was feeling overwhelmed by everything going on in my life, so instead of talking with her and asking for help I broke things off and regretted it soon after.
For the first month she kept asking me to come back, that when I feel ready she would be waiting for me. And after a while I did feel ready again, and I felt more comfortable talking about my feelings and issues. But only a month later she was already seeing someone else, who in my eyes is nothing more than a rebound since she dumped him after only a few weeks.

Now she’s single again and she texted me some stuff about getting back together again while she was high. When I asked her the next day if she was serious about this she wasn’t really sure, she didn’t want to get hurt again. Which I completely understand. She did send me a few more messages afterwards about us, indicating that she does miss being together.
We’ve just been talking for the past few days and it’s been really pleasant. I truly do miss her a lot and want to be her support pillar again, and make her happy. But I’m scared to make advances again. I don’t want her to be weirded out or get scared off, since I really do value her, even if only as a friend.

I had been promising her a trip to Paris for Christmas for two years, but we were never able to go. I still have the tickets and we did joke about maybe being able to go this year, so I really don’t know if I actually do have a chance or not.

I told her that I’d be willing to try again, that I feel like it can be better than before, but she said that she felt like it wouldn’t be good for either of us and that she needs time before she sees anyone again.
(We were in a mainly long distance relationship, so I’m pretty sure that’s what she means with it not being good for us. Missing someone and not being able to see them as much as you want is difficult.)

Any advice? I don’t need results right here right now, but I do want to give it another chance. Even if it really does not end up working out, I feel like it is at least worth a try.

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