Btw I’m seeking honest answers only, not reassurance.

I’m 168-169cm/5’6 and a half, 125lbs/56kg, just imagine a very default female MC in an rpg game. I definitely don’t look strong but I unfortunately think I don’t look weak either 🙁

I definitely have fantasies about being a dominant mistress sometimes, but they’re just for fun, otherwise I’m only comfortable being submissive with traditional docile femininity. I’m very jealous of short women because I think men assume them to be cute little subs, and assume me to be some huge masculine dom. I’ve heard so many guys say short girls are more fun, you can be more rough with them, pick them up more easily (even though so many of them are the same weight as me?).

Hits harder when those men are 6’2, does that mean a guy has to be even taller than that before he sees me as submissive? Real question. I’m always told “just find a tall guy”, but why should I force myself to only date tall men? Normal women don’t have to do that. They just naturally come off as submissive if they want to. And ideally I prefer guys my height, but now I worry they’ll turn me down if they’re dominant.

So yeah I just want anyones opinion on this.

  1. Male perspective – everybody’s unique and individual. Don’t assume so much. Don’t overthink it and do what you want. ( stay sub or try being dom)

  2. I’m a 92kg, 188cm tall woman who hits the gym more than my 178cm, 78kg partner. My, for the most part, dominant partner. A good friend of mine, who’s in the military for years now, is a submissive to his smaller gf. There is no ideal body for a submissive. If that’s your style, then you have the perfect body for it.

  3. If this helps me my wife’s only 5’0″ tall and she often takes the dominant role in the bedroom. I don’t see why a taller woman can’t be submissive. It is more about attitude than your physical height

  4. I’m 5’8″ and have been with women from 5′ – 6′ and height has never stopped me from dominating a woman my height or taller. I love long legs and rough play, plus there are a few positions that work best with a more statuesque partner (think standing positions). Submissiveness is more about your attitude and posture. I understand people get hung up on physicality, but you don’t need to be a petite waif to be dominated:)

  5. You are not really tall. You would need to be 175cm to be a runway model.

    Most men around your height are going to be much stronger than you, just because of genetics and testosterone. If you are worried about the guy not being able to physically dominate you, that is not really an issue. A guy your height is going to have at least 10kg more, due to muscle body mass.

    Being a sub or a dom is a mental state rather than a physical ability. There are plenty to tall men that are subs and the other way around.

  6. my wife is an inch shorter than me and its no problem trying her down to the bed. 5’6″ just isnt that tall.

  7. > I’m very jealous of short women because I think men assume them to be cute little subs, and assume me to be some huge masculine dom.

    I think you may be worried about nothing.

    If you were _huge_, then maybe some guys would be a little intimidated, but you are squarely in “tall for a girl” category

  8. If someone judges you too heavily on your appearance they don’t deserve you. There are plenty of guys out there who understand that just because you are a certain height or weight doesn’t mean you will be dominant. I am a 6’3” 76ishkg (I haven’t weighed myself in a while) guy who works out at the gym but I am a switch who prefers to be submissive. It’s ok not to fit the stereotype.

  9. I don’t think height has anything to do with being dominant/submissive. My girlfriend is smaller than me but dominates the fuck out of me.

  10. First, I am also 5”6 and I don’t really feel like that’s tall, just average. I weigh 135lbs, my current partner is 5”10 and easily picks me up, moves me around, and pins me down. Never have I had a comment about me being to tall. My partner all the time tells me he loves how small and little I am. He’s always been very dominant toward me which I enjoy

    Edit: my current partner is also the most dominant and forceful person I have been with. Honestly I think most guys look at any female and think they are weaker/cute because of that. Sexually speaking. He also often makes fun of me for trying to “fight back” in the bedroom but having “zero strength” when I’m genuinely trying my hardest, again, he only has 2 inches on me.

  11. No idea where you read this but this is all bs.

    I am 5″6 and that’s not even tall for a woman, I’d say definitely average. I’m also quite a bit heavier than you around 175lbs. I’ve been submissive to many guys and none of them ever made any comments about my height. I’ve had guys pick me up granted they were either very tall or very strong as I’m not light. Your height and size won’t mean a thing in the context of being submissive or dominant. I used to dom my 6″2 ex boyfriend.

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