What has your mental health been like if you completely deleted your social media accounts: FB, Instagram?!

  1. We as a sucker of social media finds it pretty hard in the start. But once we try to control our feelings regarding the usage of it, we do feel peace. So yess mental health does get better because sometimes there’s too much negativity on social media.

    Hope you are feeling okay <3

  2. Reddits the only real social media I have anymore and I’ve already noticed a jump in my self confidence and my overall mental health. I think the constant comparisons and toxic friends I made/had were a huge part of why I felt the way I did

  3. I did a little social media detox and deactivated my FB, Instagram, etc. I actually felt much happier and less on my phone since then. However I’ve found myself back online because my friends and family like to send me stuff they like on there so I keep it open but don’t rely or use it as much as before.

  4. I did that- 2018 deleted Facebook because I hated it, in 2021 deleted Instagram

    Deleting Facebook was great because it felt like everyone was using that platform as their personal diary entry. It’s exhausting knowing every opinion of every person you’ve ever met without asking 😂

    Instagram I didn’t hate when I quit it. I just wanted to share a bit less in a public space, and be more intentional and personal with what I shared with my actual friends

    Joined Reddit for some social media outlet, but with a lot more anonymity. I can see my IRL friends IRL.

    That’s my TED talk

    Edit to say- I don’t miss Facebook at all. Instagram I miss when friends have babies, weddings, other milestones- but they send the pics now, so I’m not really missing our. 🥲less memes

  5. I stopped using FB many years ago and that felt amazing.

    I still use Instagram because I love photography and I share a lot of memes with family and friends 😅, but I turned my account private and removed people I didn’t know / didn’t really talk to / had a weird feeling about and all kind of influencers or celebrities, and it’s been going great!

  6. Reddit is the only wide-open to the world social media I use. I would miss it like I would miss dropping a guilty-pleasure, time-waste tv show.

    I have a FB account I haven’t looked at in months.

    I have an IG account that I use for a specific hash tag with extended family. I would kinda miss that one.

    I have Discord. That would be the toughest to give up since my siblings and I have a server that we do 99.9% of our communication through.

  7. So much better. Deleted FB in ‘17 and Insta early 2018. Felt like I was missing something for the first couple weeks of not having Insta but that faded quickly, and it was a weight lifted off my shoulders. Friends and family complain after seeing something that bothers them on FB/Insta, while I live in blissful ignorance. The good was never worth the bad with those apps in my opinion. And I have more energy to put into more worthwhile endeavours.

  8. I just have Reddit and yo honestly it’s kinda nice. It was hard to get used to bc I used to seek so much validation with streaks on snap or likes on Instagram. I know that people who want to have friendships with me have my number and I haven’t “lost friends” by getting off of social media. Highly recommend <3

  9. Deleting Facebook was one of the best things I’ve done. Truly reduced the anxiety I was experiencing.

  10. I didn’t delete my accounts, but I just removed the apps from my phone. I just feel so much happier. I’m not comparing myself to others. I thought I would feel like I was missing out or like I was missing what’s going on in everyone’s lives, but it feels nice to not know everything about everyone all the time.

  11. I deleted all of my social media accounts except reddit. No facebook, no instagram, no twitter, tumblr, vsco, tiktok etc.

    My life has been peaceful, I found that the people that truly care and valued me would reach out to me no matter what. I don’t get caught in the fads, aren’t too “in” with pop culture. The news I get are from television/reddit/YouTube and I’m kinda just doing life for …me without having to prove that I had fun or I have a “life” to people.

    I do everything now because it makes me happy and not the people around me.


  12. My mental health isn’t affected by social media. I get bored with it and take long breaks and do something else.

  13. The comparison game against yourself and everyone else on the planet suddenly stops and it’s SO peaceful.

  14. My IG got hacked a few months ago and in response i deleted all my social media (except reddit). I definitely am somewhat happier and now two months later I genuinely dont miss social media or have much FOMO at all. Your real friends will still text you and hit you up.

  15. I just deactivated Instagram and I don’t want to redownload it yet. I have Fb still because my family does fb invites to bday parties & holidays. We have a LOT of fall/winter bdays…so it stays.

    My ex told me I post just for attention and now I feel weird about it. So I deactivated it.

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