Women of Reddit, how do you balance career ambitions vs mental peace?

  1. Make your job as bearable as possible. Nick nacks help out a lot, especially when we space out. I love the way my area looks since I decorated it.

  2. Letting go of career ambitions.

    My only career goal is to earn enough money to live comfortably, take some time off, enjoy my free time, and put a little away. That’s it. None of my self worth or identity is wrapped up with “what I do”. Money comes and goes.

    I like my job, but it’s not my life’s focus.

  3. My mental peace and wellbeing comes from my ability to tell myself non stop stories all day long. So when I’m not interacting with customers…I’m in my day dreams. If the stories are on repeat (end at a point and start over with very little changes happening), when I get home, I type them out on my computer thus stopping the cycle so more stories can come into life. Doing this though takes then completley out of the line up but it also means where they stopped originally to start again, coninutes on without going back to the beginning.

  4. Find something that you are passionate about and that you enjoy doing. Remember to take time for self care and daily affirmations. Set aside some time to go outside and appreciate the world around you. Try keeping an “I can” and “I will” mentality and set goals and celebrate each success no matter how big or small along the way.

  5. My ambitions for my career is to have it enable my happiness and mental well-being. So for me, pursuing one is pursuing the other.

  6. Lol I have no career ambitions. Partly because I am at a good position with my job and partly because I am comfortable financially.

  7. The more money I made the less anxiety I had. Plus I could pay for things that are good for my mental health like gym membership, therapy, massages, vacations.

  8. I leave work at work. I don’t let any part of work affect my home life, even if I work at home – when I log out, it’s over until tomorrow.

  9. This is something I had to wrestle with recently. I was working two jobs and making ludicrous money, but 18 – 20 hour days caught up with me fast and made me reexamine my aspirations. I’m glad I did because I’m finally getting around to things I wanted to do but kept putting off and my mental health is at an all-time high.

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