Example…My wife refuses to seek medical attention for anything. She’d rather just lay in bed and suffer and make us all worry about her. It’s infuriating. It drives me crazy.

If I was thinking about marrying someone new, I would make sure this wouldn’t be a thing.

  1. Willingness to seek out help for mental health. I didn’t even think about it before I was the one who needed it. Now I think that I wouldn’t be able to be married to a person who refuses to seek out help when it affects theirs and our quality of life.

  2. Not being complimented. In my first marriage we were really young and I overlooked a lot. I got 1 compliment our entire relationship. A particular shirt looked nice on me. It’s sad that over 10 yrs later I still remember that.

  3. To look for red flags to begin with is the biggest thing. It’s usually all there in the dating stage it just gets ignored. Never get complacent.

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