So I met someone on a dating app. We’d been dating for about a month without sex bc we both lived in conservative households. I recently got my first apartment and invited him over. It was our first time being truly intimate. Now I always thought I had a pretty nice size dick. When I sent him pics he expressed how impressed he was. Most people I’ve met up with before for casual sex have always been smaller than me so I’ve always been top.

Well we both take our pants off and this dudes dick is about the size of one of those freeze pops—damn near half his thigh (could probably hurt someone with it). Anyways, even though we had talked about preferred positions I felt really uncomfortable… almost emasculated because I was expected to top someone with a porn star penis. It felt very weird and I definitely could not get hard bc of the size difference.

I could chop it up to feeling inadequate or maybe my ego was shot—that roles should be reversed. We ended up smoking instead and we’re gonna try again later but he refuses to top because he doesn’t like it. How do I get over this mental hurdle?

  1. As always, communication is key! Talk to him about your feelings. Sounds like the two of you have a real relationship going there, so he’ll understand and will make you feel comfortable with yourself.

    And remember, if you know how to use your penis, size really doesn’t matter.

    Good lock to both of you and have fun!

  2. He wouldn’t wanna put his own dick in his ass and yours is perfect to look at and to be inside him. Don’t get hung up if you can help it, just appreciate your partners goods and let him appreciate yours. You could mention this though and he can give you some reassurance.
    I’m a woman but being with a man with a massive dick isn’t great because it hurts. Being with a man with an average to above average dick is A+ would recommend.

  3. Well with a big dick there is more to handle. Look at it this way. As a top you can handle him differently in other ways.

  4. So you let the penis size decide who is top and who is bottom? Never heard of that before.
    I always thought some people prefer to be top and some prefer to be bottom.

    Furthermore no need to worry mate. I mean ur previous partners had smaller dicks than you and they didn’t worry either, right?

  5. His dick size doesn’t negate his sexual boundaries. If he only wants to bottom, then he only wants to bottom, and you can take that or leave it. Clearly he doesn’t feel that the discrepancy between your dick sizes is an issue.

  6. Is this what gay men do? Have a dick measuring contest to decide who gets to be top? I always assumed it was dictated by sexual preferences (like Dom/Sub) or that they just took turns based on mood. TIL

  7. I’ve been with a top who had a 2″ dick and one without a dick. They both sucked as humans because they were obsessed with it. I was with a guy who had 4″ and he was a great lover. Still miss him. The point is you are a man and not a measurement. Being the one who penetrates isn’t decided by size.

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