You could even get from lamds end to John groats underground. You can go anywhere. Don’t fret if it’s possible it’s real in this scenario. Would you use them? If not why not?

The tunnels are super fast and direct and protect you from the rain sun snow wind hail thunder lightning

  1. We already have a comprehensive network of public footpaths in the fresh air, with things to look at, why would I use a boring and sterile tunnel (with or without rats and its own subspecies of mosquito)?

  2. As a woman, my first reaction is “an enclosed space with probably limited lighting and no way of running away if I need to?”. No thanks.

  3. Haha I don’t care if it’s above or below ground I’m not walking anywhere if takes more than 30 minutes so this seems pointless, unless you could drive in these magic tunnels

  4. Why? We have plenty of scenic walking routes above ground. And if you need to get somewhere fast we have trains and cars

  5. I’ve often said my business should invest in a tunnel network between our local sites, because of the amount if rain and time spent waiting to cross the road when I walk between them.

    That being said whilst I can see benefits in specific areas to cross say motorways or industrial estates, but long distance I’d much rather be above ground.

  6. Would I walk 603 miles in a tunnel? No.
    However short “walkin tubes” exist in the form of things like the Greenwich and Woolwich foot tunnels in London and people use them frequently to cross the river.

  7. Probably not.

    It misses out on the main appeal (to me) of walking, especially in rural areas (nice views, fresh air, etc), and I don’t know how safe it’d feel.

    From my village, it’d still take me ages to walk anywhere I’d want to walk to, and the more direct route instead of taking the road doesn’t really shave that much distance off.

    I’m not keen on walking through underpasses anyway (especially if it’s late), so being in basically a giant underpass (which will presumably also be in isolated/quiet/dodgy areas, where there’s nowhere to run and less chance of help from a bystander if you run into someone dangerous down there) doesn’t sound great from my perspective.

  8. Why is walking underground in a tube any better than walking above ground? It’s still the same distance.

  9. If it’s anything like the piss soaked graffiti covered underpasses we already have then nope

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