I’ve \[27F\] heard of “death grip” for males but I’m a bit hesitant to buy a vibrator because I’m not sure if that would me less able to orgasm from sex. I’ve also only used my hands to masturbate before, but I am a bit curious about getting a vibrator.

  1. It’s never been a problem for any of my partners. They really enhance our sex life. 👍💦

  2. If that’s the only way you orgasm, you might have to retrain for your brain to properly recognize other stimuli with a partner. If you mix things up you should be fine.

  3. It can cause issues if overused. Your body becomes used to that level of intensity and your instant-feedback application of it. No other human being can match that even when using the same toy. Much like with death grip, you can bounce back if you abstain for a while.

    Actively retraining yourself may be needed in more extreme versions of this though.

    I say grab one if you are curious. Use only your hands from time to time though. If you find it difficult to climax with only your hands, you may want to hold off on using it for a while.

  4. It can do that.

    If it will is more up to you and how you use it and how often you use it and if you make it your sole form of masturbation.

  5. Getting “death grip” is much more uncommon than this sub likes to think. Most people won’t get nerve damage or desensitized by using a toy. It actually takes a lot to do that kind of thing. Like women who bike ride for hours and hours a day and have a lot of hard landings can do some damage. But people can get used to cumming a certain way and they might train themselves to find that stimulation so easy that other things can feel frustrating. My advice, if you have any concerns, would be to enjoy the shit out of that toy, but mix you game up with a few different types of stimulation here and there to keep things different and enjoy multiple things.

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