My manager (55f) and I (19f) work well together, she’s flexible with scheduling and overall a great boss. She even gave me her number (which she doesn’t usually give out) and we’ve texted back and forth a couple times re: work.

I saw that I was scheduled for work on a Friday during school. I texted her and said that I’m unable to work before 4 pm on weekdays due to class, she responded by saying “the schedule is correct.” I again said that I’m unavailable on weekdays before 4 pm, she responded “ok.” Turns out that Friday I’m on Easter break, I apologized and told her I’ll be in as scheduled.

I’ve never had problems with her before and curt answers are not her norm. I’m embarrassed, it was my mistake. I’m concerned that I’ve damaged our work relationship. I’m supposed to be shadowing her tomorrow…any advice to reduce awkwardness?

TLDR: texted my boss and annoyed her, don’t want to hurt our work relationship/hurt my job.

  1. I wouldn’t worry about this too much.

    When you see her tomorrow, you can say something like, “Morning (name)! I’m sorry about my confusion over the schedule for today. I totally forgot Easter Friday is a day off school!”

    That should be more than enough to put out any issues that arose from the text exchange. To be honest, I doubt your boss is even mad. Maybe she was annoyed in that moment. She may have already completely brushed the interaction off. She may have been having a bad day for completely unrelated reasons and didn’t text in a friendly way as a result.

    This’ll be fine and in a week or two it won’t mean anything! Try not to stress yourself out too much over this.

  2. Not a big deal, if anything this is on her for not mentioning that the schedule is different due to the holiday after you first texted her. Everywhere I have ever worked posts the holiday on the schedule or messages people individually if there is a major alteration to the normal schedule due to a holiday. I think you’re overthinking this.

  3. It could be that she was in the middle of handling something else. Don’t read too much into this.

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