Short men of reddit, would you go through Limb Lengthening? If so, how would it help in your daily life?

  1. 5’7 here, and I’m pretty sure there’s major side effects of limb lengthening and all it would really help with is being more attractive to some women, so no I’d rather not, I’d rather just accept my height and deal with it as I know it doesn’t bother lots of women

  2. Absolutely not. I’d need like a 100,000$ in disposable money and if I had that kinda money I’d get enough girls that it defeats the purpose of getting my legs lengthened.

  3. Accept your height. I would rather carry on squatting then get long legs that I shouldn’t run hard on.

  4. I’m 5’3″ft./160cm but I’d never go through that surgery. Extremely expensive, extremely painful, extremely complex, too many compromisses. I might hate my height to death (which I do) but I wouldn’t do such a complicated procediment for such small gains. I’d rather just wear platform shoes (plus, they look sick, specially if it’s an alt sorta style!)

  5. Are we living in an amazonian society where all women are tall? No.. short guys have their pick too..

  6. I am not that insecure about my height, it is what it is. It was never in my control, so I’m not gonna feel bad about it. A limb lengthening surgery seems the worst way to go about it, therapy might be cheaper and less painful.

  7. I’m 5ft 4 and wouldn’t dream of having this, learn to accept yourself and other people will as well.

  8. Absolutely not. I 100% believe that most of the problems that short guys claim to experience because of being short have nothing to do with their height and everything to do with their personality.

    I’m around 5’6″ and so are many of my friends and we’ve literally never had anyone so much as *mention* our height, let alone in a negative context and we’ve all had great sex lives, dating lives, long-term relationships etc.

    Speaking just for me, I’ve dated women of all heights, including those that were much taller than me, and in most cases they were the ones who pursued me, rather than the other way around. My height has been no problem at all.

    If being short were the curse that short guys on Reddit claim that it is, then surely me or at least one of my friends would’ve experienced at least one negative experience because of it. Yet none of us have. Ever!

    So hell no I wouldn’t go through a limb-lengthening process to ‘solve’ a problem that doesn’t even exist for me. I’d focus on being more attractive in every other way and save myself a lot of pain and money.

  9. Yes, if I had the money and time to recover.

    Would improve my confidence. Same if I could get surgery on my dick – massive confidence boost.

  10. I’m 5’4″ and I’m happy with my height.

    So the answer is no because Short Kings deserve better.

  11. 5’6 here, and hell nah. The risks aren’t worth it and I’m comfortable and confident with my height anyway.

  12. Absolutely not

    I’m active and fit and can do practically anything

    That procedure would cripple me, short term and long term

  13. I’m 5’8 or 5’9, so I’m not sure if I’m considered “short” by Reddit standards. But in my current circles, I’m always one of the shortest guys.

    I can’t speak for anyone below 5’8 and I know it’s different especially with dating, but I would never consider limb lengthening. It costs enough to pay off my student loans, car, and have enough left over for a sizeable down payment on a home. It would also require a significant amount of time off from physical activities, which would drive me insane.

  14. 170cm, which is towards the short end of the normal range here.

    Absolutely fucking not. It would ruin my life, and for what? Vanity? No, the whole idea is contemptible.

  15. Its not worth the money, but specially its not worth sitting in a wheelchair in excruciating pain for months.

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