What is something you wish guys understood about women?

  1. Every time they try and hide something from us (especially cheating) we can ALWAYS tell when something is up. We aren’t stupid.

  2. That when you put the chocolate on the top shelf, I view that as an act of war.

  3. That it shouldn’t be so shocking that we play video games, I fucking hate talking in online video games and people are like “GASP! A GIRL?! OH MY GOD!”

    Fuck off with that shit, there are tons of girl gamers.

  4. That we aren’t interested in you if we are nice or become simple friends 😗

  5. That we’re just people. We’re not some mythical, mysterious, hive mind. We’re just human.

  6. Where to find the fucking clitoris. More importantly what to do with it. I’ve had dudes rub it so hard I swear they were trying to rub it right off. Men also confuse squirting for a clitoral orgasm. Both feel vastly different.

  7. When you fck up and we say “we need to talk”, we already know what you did, with who and for how long…

    We’re literally waiting to see if you actually have the guts to be honest…

  8. When guys go “Girls don’t like nice guys anymore”. If you’re saying this, you’re not as nice as you think you are

  9. Respect us and stop using slurs to refer to us. Stop seeing us like some weird extraterrestrial creature and use excuses like « iM nOt CoMfOrTaBLe aRouNd WoMen » and grow some balls omg I absolutely have zero patience for that ridiculous outdated pathetic «  excuse ».
    I didn’t grow up around men and that didn’t made me uncomfortable around them. I always stood my ground whether they like me or do not i not care.

  10. That no means no. I would rather growing old and alone than spending a minute of my life with a man who can’t respect me.

  11. There are still good women out here looking for a good man. A nice guy. A good guy.

  12. Our lives do not revolve around men. We don’t go about our lives constantly thinking about how we can make ourselves more attractive to men. We don’t go to school, get jobs, have hobbies, etc. because we think those things will make us more appealing to men. We do those things for ourselves. Same goes for our outfits, makeup, hairstyles, nails, and every other kind of personal grooming.

    We do not exist for men’s pleasure. We are human beings who have our own lives. Our existence is not an invitation for men to harass us just because they find us attractive. Unless it’s in a social situation where the goal is to meet people, just leave us alone. If we’re walking around town, at the grocery store, at work, or just going about our daily lives, don’t try to hit on us. And don’t randomly tell us to smile. We’re human beings with our own lives, not sex robots blindly wandering the earth waiting for guys to come along to program us to fit their needs.

    Edit: Thank you for the awards!!

  13. We aren’t mysterious, men just created an image through media that portrays us as so, so that they could skirt responsibility for their lack of emotional intelligence/empathy in relationships

  14. Just because we share some personal stuff with you doesn’t always mean we like you.

  15. That it takes work and a particular set of skills to make us climax. Men normalizing communication about “her” sexual wants and needs should be more common. It’s not as easy as it is for men.

  16. That we aren’t that different nor are we that complicated. Just treat me like a human being with feelings. Easy.

  17. That we don’t all “hate all men”. But most of us are very weary all the time about a majority of men’s intentions.

  18. How often us ‘smiling and being nice’ when you are being gross/ inappropriate / creepy / rude is actually just us desperately wanting to get away from you, but being too scared of you to be confrontational / obvious about it.

  19. I know this will sound like a joke but I’m serious. That women cannot breathe when we deep throat. The amount of guys who think they can just hold your head down is mind boggling as I’ve discussed it with female friends and they have had the same issues

  20. We can also pay for the date, let us contribute and don’t get angry and refuse our money, we just want to have a nice gesture with you and impress you.

  21. That we aren’t a monolith. There is no across-the-board way to “understand women” because were diverse individuals.

  22. You can’t “help” us with housework – you can participate in caring for a house that you also live in and are responsible for.

  23. We all don’t have strings of men waiting in the wings.

    Some of us are as single and alone as you are.

  24. That not all women are drowning in options. The appropriate response to a woman sharing her struggles with dating is not, ‘you know what it feels like to be a man’. Women are still women regardless of the amount of male attention they receive.

  25. “i don’t know” should be seen as “no”. once you hear that, stop trying to convince us.

    referring to us as “females” is degrading, not the word, but the tone of voice often used. it’s a major red flag for *some* of us

  26. We’re not a monolith. And we’re not mysterious creatures from Venus, we’re human beings, with *all* that that entails, good, bad, ugly, and yes, gross.

  27. Women are not becoming “too masculine,” we are not “trying to be like men.”

    Women used to expect a man to take care of all the finances so they could take care of the children. But now, people don’t get married that young, college costs too much, and one income usually can’t support a family. What do you expect from us? Sit around mooching off our parents until a rich “alpha” comes along? Cause then you’d call us gold-diggers. So we get jobs, move out, and become independent. And that’s when we’re called “too masculine” despite having no other option than to focus on the career we have.

  28. Since puberty, this newer generation of girls have been sexually harassed by strangers. You are not the first, won’t be the last to violate my privacy. With social media, very young girls are being exposed from that point on to the shittiest men. Even older generations were harassed horribly but its so much worse now. Everyone with tits or a vagina have been magnets for dangerous men. Of course we’re nervous around men, who fucking WOULDNT be after all of that? But you know what will calm us down? Acting like/treating us like any other man. Stop asking for photos, or sending very long paragraphs of what you want to do to me, stop sending photos unsolicited.

  29. That they are inherently scary, precisely because they can choose to ignore us when we say “no” about anything and there is nothing we can do to stop them.

    Good men understand the power they hold over women and respect our rational fear of them.

  30. That not every girl is the same. I see men talking about how all girls are gold diggers or how they’re all liars and cheaters.

    You could be with one girl who is like that, maybe two and even 3 or 4, if you reach that number, that means you’re either just an unlucky bastard or maybe there are some stuff u have to work on. but the reality is, there are alot of good girls out there.

  31. – We are normal human beings

    – That we don’t “hate men”, if we say something about sexual harassment

    – We don’t hate each other/ we are not all mean to other women (I just hate this stereotyp)

    – Vaginas don’t get loose from sex

  32. That a woman’s orgasm isn’t as elusive as rumored (by men).

    It’s not a mystery. It’s anatomy. Learn our anatomy. We have specific parts in specific places. They haven’t moved around since the last time you visited. Watch a video on how to do it (not porn, those girls are faking it), read a book, ask your partner what they like and then actually *do it*. Once you figure it out, you will (more often than not) be good at it with most of us with only slight variations for size and preference of speed and pressure.

  33. That structural discrimination against women continues to exist in SO many different spheres of life and that feminism is a necessary political movement for our very survival.

  34. That we do not owe men anything, we are not livestock for you to use and control. That women have brains and we weren’t invented for mens’ selfish pleasure, especially those who are terrible at sex and we have to pretend to enjoy it for their egos. When a women says no it is not inviting a challenge, we literally mean no. I wish more men would stop objectifying and sexualizing women while they’re working, doing errands, or going on walks.

  35. “No” is a complete sentence.

    You are not “helping” or “babysitting” your own fucking children.

    I (can’t speak for everyone on this one) do not wear makeup for you.

    My clothing isn’t a traffic light for sex.

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