What stops you from complimenting other men more often?

  1. I think men are generally taught not to compliment other men too much, for fear of seeming homosexual.

  2. Why do you need more than “looking good”, “well done” “Atta boy”.or “I am proud of you”?

  3. nothing. i do it all the time. some like it, and the rest pretend not to like it and do pretty poor job of attempting to mask their genuine reaction, which is appreciation or gratitude.

    they act like they don’t want or need it. that’s a pretty thin facade that’s easily punctured.

    they both want it AND need it.

  4. I do, but mainly reserved for my friends and buddies. Otherwise, I feel that other men may not be used to that, or feel that I’m mocking them or being insincere.

  5. Nothing does. I grew up playing hockey and lifting/gym life so encouraging compliments are part of life. If I notice something looks good/cool/nice/whatever I’ll say it. If someone’s making progress and looks good I’ll let them know. People that find it weird are normally insecure about something. The only time I’m careful is at bars because drunks can get insecure and think you’re picking a fight.

  6. I go out of my way to compliment guys because I think we need to be reminded of our good qualities, but the one thing that stops me from complimenting men more frequently is a fear of attracting gay men. And my experiences with gay men have been pretty negative.

  7. You can say “nice shoes, nice shirt” but really, I didn’t make the shirt. It’s keeping you from seeing my useless man nipples, so it is doing its job I guess.

  8. Most days the only guys I see are strangers at the gas station and I’m not trying to talk to anyone at 8am

  9. Same reason I don’t compliment women more often. Don’t wanna seem as though I’m interested in them in a romantic or sexual way.

  10. Nothing – I try to compliment everyone as much as possible.

    The “as much as possible” is key, though. I want to be sincere about it, so I’m not just throwing platitudes out all the time.

  11. nothing, i compliment all my friends daily regardless of age just bc everyone needs a confident boost and mostly bc they are amazing like that

  12. I compliment friends and family all the time. I don’t typically compliment strangers, men or women.

  13. Mostly nothing. In certain situations, I get the feeling others think I am gay, so I might avoid a compliment in that situation to make sure they don’t think I’m “coming on to them.”

    Otherwise, if it’s earned, I give a compliment.

  14. why would I compliment other dudes LMAO, dudes need to work on their self-esteem by themselves, I ain’t a walking compliments machine.

  15. Nothing stops me. I see the homies at the gym and compliment them. Hell I see random strangers on the street and will hype them up if they’re wearing an article of clothing I like or if they’re in good shape.

  16. In general being raised not to comment on people, regardless of gender, as parents don’t want to deal with a kid saying someone is fat or something else unflattering, even if the kid just speaks what’s on their mind

  17. I compliment guys I know all the time.

    I don’t compliment random dudes because homophobia is real and free for all concealed carry is a thing. Even if they aren’t carrying, we are all one random punch away from death.

  18. Timing of a compliment is very important.
    For example do not compliment another man, while you are standing next to him at the urinal..

  19. I find compliments to be a practice of unnecessarily imposing your opinion on someone who didn’t ask for it. I don’t care about what people think of me, nor do I care enough about other people to consider complimenting them.

  20. I give it once in a blue but generally speaking I follow this old saying I heard somewhere ” Men will talk shit and make fun of you to your face but speak well of you behind your back.” Ilove that .

    I think its more likely for me to talk someone up when referring to him with someone else asking then just randomly tell todd or whoever good job with whatever today.

  21. bruh i keep hearing this that men don’t compliment each other and its totally bs!! men do it all the time we just don’t lie to each other like women do, we don’t say stuff like “ughh giRl i LooVe tHaT tOp” , when i see a stranger and i like his cool shoes( chances are i already know what the shoes are and where to get it )lol ill say stuff like ” bro how them shoes feel like, iam tryna get one” or ” bro is this the new Yeezys they look pretty good”. because women most of the time care about how the other woman looks in the item , men care about the item itself 😂😂

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