You specifically!

  1. For first dates usually just the one.

    In relationships it depends on the girl and what ive done, I can imagine if I ever cheated I wouldn’t get a second.

  2. Depends on how much they like you. If you’re sitting in a bar getting to know each other and you step into a pile of shit she may walk away right there. If you’re already in a relationship you will get more chances.

  3. It depends. During the talking stage it’s usually just over when you make a mistake. But the further you get together the more you tolerate of each other.

    It also heavily depends on the amount of options a girl has. If she’s got 100 other options she’s not going to take anything from you.

  4. If they are single, they don’t give chances, I have to take one

    If they’re in a relationship already then they are a bit more generous on average

  5. Some women don’t even give you one chance.

    The question is open because “women” is too general a population.

  6. My wife gave me three. Showed up to our first in-person date in a Hawaiian shirt, she almost bailed. But stuck around, because we hit it off amazingly.

    Showed up to our second date in a Utilikilt. She nearly bailed. But stuck around, because I made her laugh and feel comfortable being herself.

    Finally, to make the story a lot shorter, I did a couple of kind of needy things really close together, but she stuck around because I’d proven already that I was worth it. We talked it out, and I learned from my errors.

    We celebrated our seventh anniversary back in July.

  7. I’ve been in a cycle of breakups and hookups with a girl for almost twelve years now

    And, like, we aren’t even friends, then something happens and we start talking, get laid, foom around for a couple of weeks/months, a dumb fight followed by a “goodbye forever” that only last like a year tops and then we start again

    I feel so old to keep doing this but it’s like the only interesting that I have in my life so fuck it

  8. Depends…. If you don’t know them, probably next to 1 chance.. But the more you know them and the longer you know them for or especially if it’s a toxic relationship then it’s it’s pretty much infinite.

  9. Zero. They usually stop answering after we exchange like 5-6 messages, or don’t agree when I ask them for a date. I know the rabid dogs are out there so – no, I don’t trauma dump early. I don’t view them as free therapists. I don’t make weird sexual comments. I just talk to them either about the subject we connected over or I ask her stuff about herself.

    Courting after woman is bizarre – the utter lack of curiosity is… depressing.

  10. Very vague question OP, women has very different tolerance levels. So it depends; did I leave the toilet seat up or forget to flush a deuce?
    Did i sleep with her best friend or her Mom?

  11. While not in love, zero.
    In love.. Daily chances for 16 years.
    Stopped giving chances around 2 weeks ago

  12. OP Are you asking how many chances I get if I fuck up with a girl I am already dating ? (alot)


    If I fuck up during like talking /early stage ( good amount of shots to fumble and recover usually).

  13. I’ve gotten a few chances I’d say 4 or 5 not cheating just being insecure/ weary of being too vulnerable. I was in a 12 year relationship and I don’t wanna get hurt how I did before so it’s sort of weird been together with gf almost a year now. I guess I get in my head and connect things that aren’t there or over think and it comes off bad.

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