I have adhd (although its never an excuse for anything it’s something to explain it).

I tend to talk without thinking, talk too much and can’t close my mouth when I’m suppose to; study, hang out with friends or whatever.

When I do interupt people I always apologise and say; please continue talking, my bad.

But I just can’t seem to control myself when it comes to speaking too much, any advice?

( i don’t have any problems socially expect for that, and i’ve stopped oversharing)

Some find my speaking annoying and others like it. But I PERSONALLY, am getting tired of hearing myself speak but i can’t stop saying things that’s not needed.

1 comment
  1. Hmm this isn’t helpful but I’d just like to say I do the same. If i’m not talking and I have to listen to someone, my mind just wanders off. I think it’s because they’re story gets too long that my mind just wants to interrupt them and throw in my inputs. I find making eye contact while people talk sometimes helps. It helps me focus in a sense where I try not to interrupt them as much. But it can only go so far because eventually my mind wanders off again. 😅 sorry not so helpful

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