My husband and I have been working from home since lockdown. We have our own offices at home. We’re kind of in a weird rut. I only work from home every other week and he is home all the time.

What could we do to make work from home less… Predictable? More luxurious? More interesting? Especially when I’m in the office, as we can’t have fun day sex then. He’s all by his lonesome. Which is fine – we are totally cool being apart.

  1. this might not be much but you can invest in some wax melts.

    They’re pretty cheap. You put them in a wax warmer and they melt into a liquid. It releases a fragrance.

    start buying unique snacks and drinks. sometimes having something unique to eat changes the environment and mood.

    spend the weekend rearranging your office. It doesn’t matter how you rearrange it. Intentionally make it different so it can feel different. Rearrange the stuff on your desk and get some things for your wall. You don’t have to spend a penny. You might have some thing already laying around.

    desk Zen gardens: there’s all different types of Zen gardens you can get for your desk. It breaks the monotony of work or the monotony of phone calls. It gives your hand something to do and it’s creative, so you get a few seconds of independent thinking so your work is not chronically boring you because everyone has a pretty structured gig and sometimes you have to be a robot to complete the task.

    get special color paper and write little love notes on it. It could just be one sentence. Slip it under each other’s doors throughout the day. it’s fun getting a little surprise. In fact, do little doodle‘s instead. sometimes you run out of words.

    this is all I can think of as I type up stuff

  2. I’ve worked from home for over a decade. I workout in my garage at lunch and try to leave the house once per day. Sometimes I leave just to go get a drink at the corner gas station. Go out for lunch sometimes. If you find yourself only sitting in your office all day eat lunch in the living room, or outside if the weather is nice. Sounds weird, but do some of the house cleaning for a quick break like put in a load of laundry or empty the dishwasher.

  3. You’re being paid to work, whether at an off site location or home. It all gets repetitive, it’s largely the nature of the type of work you’re doing. Get in your car, stop to get coffee, drive X distance to your work location, put in your time, drive back home – that’s repetitive as well.


    Thankfully at the house you can watch the news, get a coffee pot going, make your own lunch, play with the dogs a little bit & more easily get a work out in (because you don’t have to worry about getting a shower in. You can also get in some game time for an hour (your lunch) if you want, maybe run to the grocery store, go to the bank, head to the dry cleaners etc. (instead of being forced to do those things after work or on the week-end).

  4. My wife is having this problem. Her days feel monotonous and she is looking for stuff to do.

  5. I usually spend the day working naked. At lunch time I’ll go skinny dipping in the pool and lay in the sun naked.

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