We finish at similar times and he often visits me during his breaks and when he’s finished, which is super sweet but it’s a bit awkward.

I feel like i can’t talk to colleagues and cant feel comfortable talking to him around colleagues.

I work in hospitality so i’ve got other stuff to do and feel bad if i don’t talk to him when he comes to visit

How do i say this kindly? or am i just being an asshole

  1. “Hey babe, it’s a nice gesture that you stop by but I really can’t visit. I’m supposed to be working. It’s getting pretty awkward. So moving forward, unless it’s an emergency, please don’t come to my workplace.”

  2. You can either be honest and tell him youre there to work and can’t socialise or you can lie and say your boss told you you’re there to work and not socialise.

  3. Why don’t you feel comfortable with him around? Sorry I know that’s not the point…I’d love my husband to come hang out with me and my coworkers if it were ever possible.

  4. He will find someone else to talk during lunch break (Kidding) 🥵🥵🥵 is it my assumption that he is inferior than you to this relationship? Usually people love show off how Good their Partner is but here is the opposite scenario🤔🤔🤔 Well talk to him at home but don’t lie. Say It’s you who don’t want him to come at your work place. Lying using boss name will make things worse if he ever find out the Truth. So just be honest.

  5. You can’t worry about the “kindly” part too much or it will make the message unclear. If you are worried about qualifiers or telling him that you’d like to see him in order to protect his feelings, things are unlikely to change in the way that you need them to.

    Tell him that you need to focus on work during the hours of X-Y, and that you’ll let him know when you’re available to transition to the GF role by doing Z.

  6. You’ll need to get comfortable communicating your boundaries to him if you want a healthy and successful relationship with him.

    “Hey babe, I know you enjoy coming to talk to me when I’m on shift but it actually makes me uncomfortable I’m having difficulty pinpointing or communicating exactly why that is. I’m not sure if it’s because it feels unprofessional or too personal or awkward, I just know it makes me uncomfortable. So it would mean a lot to me if you didn’t do it anymore.

    His response will tell you a lot about what you can expect from him in regards to you having boundaries in the relationship. Personally, I feel partners should always accept their partner’s boundaries regarding anything to do with their professional lives. That should always be the job-holder’s call to make.

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