(F 33) with husband (M37)works out of town a few days a week. He plays softball and is gone for that 2-3 hours 2 nights a week and 2 hrs Saturday mornings. I work part time and get the kids from school, and come home and do homework and take care of the house. He helps out some but I feel like I can never do anything for my self because he chooses to be gone two evenings during the week and Saturday mornings. I wish he didn’t choose this but also don’t want him to feel how I feel. Is it worth bringing it up? Also, we never do anything special together but he just spent hundreds on a new bat. I’m jealous lol!

  1. Do stuff for yourself other times.

    Also go to the games, make it a little family picnic. Probably other wives and kids there. Have the kids cheer daddy on.

    ( full disclosure: I use to play softball).

  2. Do you get equal time for your hobbies and interests? Is he slacking on parenting or household duties because of softball?

  3. Pop up and bring the kids. Use 1 or 2 of the other nights for yourself and have him watch the kids. Don’t let up on this.

  4. You are allowed to feel jealous. It’s important that you let him know how you feel. You don’t have to make it a choice for him between you and softball. I’m sure you like that he has something that he’s passionate about and enjoys. You just want the same for yourself as well as some time for the both of you together. Communicate and make him aware.

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