I hurt like hell but I want to try again. What do I do to make sex less painful? HOW do people have sex? I mean as a girl do I have to touch my clitoris during intercourse in order to come or can I have an orgasm just with penetration?

  1. Some women can orgasm from penetration alone, but many require clitoral stimulation. Some can orgasm from anal or other erogenous areas being played with.

    To make it less painful, try more foreplay and take things slower. Buy lubricant if you aren’t able to make it comfortable with whatever you have naturally. Some positions allow you to control how fast you put it in, which will prevent your partner from putting too much in at once. Just take your time and relax

  2. 1. Lube, & make sure you’re good n wound up before anything goes in.
    2. With lube
    3. Depends, but it wouldn’t hurt to press that button. Make him do it for you.

    Talk to your doctor about it to make sure there’s nothing wrong down there if it keeps hurting.

  3. Hopefully you have a partner that will make sure you’re wet enough before they try and just ram it in. If something feels good let them know if it’s not feeling good tell them as well. Always use a condom. No glove no love. Some women can reach organism from penetration other can’t.

  4. From my experience it takes about a month to fully stretch out a woman who is a virgin. Vaginally or anally.

    So for the first month I don’t really have sex with them… it’s more like training. No PIV orgasms. It’s more of pushing the limit and seeing how far you can go.

    Once you hit the cervix she should be ready to rumble.

  5. Make sure to go slow. The first few times might hurt a bit. You might just be a little sensitive in that area too.

    Lube helps a lot, going slow at first to avoid cuts in case you aren’t fully ready or wet yet. But just have fun. If you want to touch yourself during cause it feels good for you go ahead. But be vocal with him with what you like or when to slow down

  6. get some lube and take it slow. your body will eventually get used to it and it wont hurt any longer, unless there is a medical issue.

    most girls need stimulation during sex if they want to orgasm. you could use your fingers or a vibrator.

  7. Generally, foreplay is your best friend. Take it slow, be playful, relax, have fun. if jump straight into penetration it will hurt.

    as far as orgasms, each person is different. Clitoral stim can help you get there, but just depends on you and your body. explore your body and see what feels good to you.

  8. It can be tied to anxiety the vagina naturally relaxes with arousal and no anxiety I personally took 2 or 3 tries for me to learn to relax my pelvic floor, if you do a lot of kegals you gotta remember to fully relax the pelvic floor!

    Your vagina can tense up especially if the first time was painful so introduce lots of foreplay so your vagina associates foreign touch as enjoyable slowly increase size of penetration (not to stretch but to have your body feel comfortable and relaxed)

    Most people with vaginas cant finish from penetration alone I say go with whatever feels good take your time to find out what you like!

  9. Lube! Lots of lube! Silicone works best for me.

    Going very slow at first.

    Most women don’t orgasm from penetration alone so don’t worry if you can’t.

    However if lube and slowing down don’t fix the pain see a obgyn. There are some conditions that can make sex painful and an obgyn can help with this.

  10. I can’t orgasm without clit stimulation. Even at that I rarely orgasm. I take some depression meds that makes it hard to do that anyways. My boyfriend really has to work at it somedays😅

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